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Saving the world from terrorism?

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and they are the biggest donors of aid in the world.


Judging aid as a percentage of GDP they aren't even in the top 10 [LINK]


And per head of population, the UK gives more [LINK]


Population of the U.S. 313.9 million ÷ $30.46 billion


Population of the UK 63.23 million ÷ $13.66 billion


They have 5 times our population yet give only 2.22 times as much aid.




I think you'll find that Russia and China sell most arms throughout the middle east


Oh really? Let's see what the New York Times has to say about that.


U.S. Arms Sales Make Up Most of Global Market


Weapons sales by the United States tripled in 2011 to a record high, driven by major arms sales to Persian Gulf allies concerned about Iran’s regional ambitions, according to a new study for Congress.


Overseas weapons sales by the United States totaled $66.3 billion last year, or more than three-quarters of the global arms market, valued at $85.3 billion in 2011. Russia was a distant second, with $4.8 billion in deals.


In keeping with recent trends, most of the weapons purchases, worth about $71.5 billion, were made by developing nations, with about $56.3 billion of that from the United States.


LINK [New York Times, August 26, 2012]


It's truly astonishing how much cant, received wisdom and plain misinformation most people are able to swallow.


But as someone once said.


What luck for rulers that men do not think.

Adolf Hitler

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Oh really? Let's see what the New York Times has to say about that.




LINK [New York Times, August 26, 2012]


It's truly astonishing how much cant, received wisdom and plain misinformation most people are able to swallow.


But as someone once said.


A nice bit of cut and paste but it doesn't actually disprove mecky's claim.

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I love the USA, whenever there is a natural disaster, the USA are always there to help, and they are the biggest donors of aid in the world. Thank you America.
Thank you for your comment, It's hard sometimes to read some of the garbage written about us from people who have no idea how much we give to help others, not just our government but we ourselves. My son is a wounded veteran of the Iraq war. Whether he should have been there or not, he went there in the belief it was his duty to do so. He came home, many others did not.


---------- Post added 21-10-2013 at 16:40 ----------


Wha's a WOPRLD and why does it need saving? :huh::loopy:
He's hoping for a WOPRLD WOWER.:hihi::loopy::hihi:
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This is fine for us in the UK as we are one of their pet "narks".


If you come from outside Western Europe your opinion may vary as to the beneficence of U.S. foreign policy.


Why blame the US all the time? The Arab countries were ruled by Sheiks and dicatators for decades who kept the lid on the pot through ruthless and oppressive regimes. Now some of them have gone the lid's off and all the stupid sectarianism which was so long kept in check is out and creating mayhem

Syria is only a war between different tribes... nothing more.


The Muslims in those countries, Libya, Iraq and Syria are their own worst enemies. They've created their own mess and nobody else.


If their oil wasn't needed the rest of the world wouldnt even bother about them


---------- Post added 21-10-2013 at 22:27 ----------


Thank you for your comment, It's hard sometimes to read some of the garbage written about us from people who have no idea how much we give to help others, not just our government but we ourselves. My son is a wounded veteran of the Iraq war. Whether he should have been there or not, he went there in the belief it was his duty to do so. He came home, many others did not.


---------- Post added 21-10-2013 at 16:40 ----------


He's hoping for a WOPRLD WOWER.:hihi::loopy::hihi:


He got all excited. Found yet another one of his cockeyed news stories to post on the thread and made a typo while typing in the thread title :D


---------- Post added 21-10-2013 at 22:29 ----------


A WORLD is what you get when someone takes the P.


Peace and love to you :)


I was taking the P out of Erebus :D

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I see that Harleyman's concept of history is the usual back of a Corn Flake package, with the usual racist overtones. Its the Muslims innit he spouts, regurgitating simplistic tabloid bile, in a rabble rousing populist way. Such displays of loutishness should be applauded, as we all need someone to laugh at.


Its not blaming the USA Mr. Dolt, its about just stating facts, what people do, their behaviours, and the consequences, which stands there to be seen. But why should fact bother some people, when its just another laugh innit, where the poor unappreciated gets a moment of possible recognition, as a prize numptie of course.


On the other hand it used to be the Irish, bombing all over place, shooting machine guns everywhere they could, shame them Muslims cannot get it together like them Irish innit, then another Mr. Alf Garnet of Sheffield forum what a pickle... innit!


Ever thought of forming a lynch mob, stringing up a few of them you do not like the look of, you and your mates, wearing I'm not a racist T-shirts. What glory awaits such types!


Anyway thanks for existing, don’t you just love stereotyping people, as this pot calls the kettle black, it’s a laugh innit!

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I see that Harleyman's concept of history is the usual back of a Corn Flake package, with the usual racist overtones. Its the Muslims innit he spouts, regurgitating simplistic tabloid bile, in a rabble rousing populist way. Such displays of loutishness should be applauded, as we all need someone to laugh at.


Its not blaming the USA Mr. Dolt, its about just stating facts, what people do, their behaviours, and the consequences, which stands there to be seen. But why should fact bother some people, when its just another laugh innit, where the poor unappreciated gets a moment of possible recognition, as a prize numptie of course.


On the other hand it used to be the Irish, bombing all over place, shooting machine guns everywhere they could, shame them Muslims cannot get it together like them Irish innit, then another Mr. Alf Garnet of Sheffield forum what a pickle... innit!


Ever thought of forming a lynch mob, stringing up a few of them you do not like the look of, you and your mates, wearing I'm not a racist T-shirts. What glory awaits such types!


Anyway thanks for existing, don’t you just love stereotyping people, as this pot calls the kettle black, it’s a laugh innit!


Replying to my post in the language of Alf Garnett only makes you appear to be a twit with a false sense of his own superiority. :hihi:


My concept of history is far more expansive than yours. I see it in a far broader context than your narrow minded view that every evil in the modern world must be laid at the doorstep of the USA.


Futhermore I do not draw my knowledge of current world events from "on the fringe of the real world" publications with a narrow, blinkered view and a specific agenda to brainwash the naive and easily influenced.


There was nothing racist in the comments I posted about what's happening in Libya, Iraq and Syria. People of the same religion are killing each other because of sectarian rivalries and destroying any chances of moving towards stable and democratic societies.... plain and simple..... and I for one find it contemptible. To deny that and blame the US only makes you appear to peers on the forum that you are completely and irrevocably brainwashed beyond all hope

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The USA aid is all about selling weapons, as in Egypt for instance, sod the local population. Mind you they could not give a dam about their own poverty in the USA, where millions are now out of work, the infrastructure is crumbling, and the country is slowly plodding into being a corporate dictatorship, as corporations now run most things, and if you cannot pay the price, well sod off and die. Poverty is the new US mobility. America helped in WW2 and we just paid them off a few years ago for their overpriced but beggars cannot be choosers overpriced help.




The USA reacts to war? When was that, Iraq, overseeing the destruction of Libya and Syria, where weapons flood the area and the Libyan influx has destabilised the region as there are now many hundreds of tons of them.


The USA does not just fight terrorism, it gives them weapons, and creates wars as in Libya and Syria where they support the terrorists, who learned their trade killing UK and USA troops in Afghanistan. The USA helps the heroin trade in Afghanistan as without their help the Taliban were on the verge or eradicating it. It created wars in South America, or did the Contra guns for drugs escape your wealth of knowledge, never mind the mass murders there, also in Iraq, and don't they love using depleted uranium where in all countries where used the rise of the deformed is a wonder to behold, not forgetting Vietnam, where a good job was done there and the deformities still keep coming.


The USA is now under the thumb of corporate interests, and profit is the only motive, and with Afghanistan and Iraq finishing, there need more wars for more profit. One cannot just turn weapons into ploughs, where is the profit in that?


Get real and get off the tabloids, you know they lie, however nice they seem.




Did you have a bad experience at Disneyland Florida.

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Did you have a bad experience at Disneyland Florida.
There is no Disneyland in Florida, that is in California. The one in Florida is called Disneyworld. I'm surprised such a scholar of events in the United States of America, such as yourself, didn't know that.
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Oh yay, another thread bashing the USA peppered with typos, spelling mistakes, misconceptions and down right lies.


For all their failings, I would take the USA over any other country any day. Especially over the dark age harping, human rights abusing, xenophobic, homophobic, aid embezzling, bribe taking, pseudo-dictatorships we currently have in the middle east.

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