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Saving the world from terrorism?

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I've passed through Winslow many times on my way to and from Flagstaff. It's not much of a town. There's a statue of one of the Eagles on the corner of the main drag and a red flat bed Ford truck parked nearby. The town's sole tourist attraction


I've heard Laurel Canyon where the documentary 'Hotel California' was made was made is a bit of a dump now.

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I've heard Laurel Canyon where the documentary 'Hotel California' was made was made is a bit of a dump now.


I've never seen Laurel Canyon. Los Angeles isn't exactly my favourite city and I seldom go anywhere near it except to pass through via the freeways on the way to the beaches.

We'd like to move down near San Diego but property prices anywhere around there are astronomical

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I've never seen Laurel Canyon. Los Angeles isn't exactly my favourite city and I seldom go anywhere near it except to pass through via the freeways on the way to the beaches.

We'd like to move down near San Diego but property prices anywhere around there are astronomical

I've only been to Nashville a couple of times and once to Memphis although I've heard Austin Texas is also good for music.


---------- Post added 24-10-2013 at 17:04 ----------


---------- Post added 24-10-2013 at 05:15 ----------



Attacked by your own home grown terrorists. Muslims born in the UK. We all have Brit Richard Reid. Finsbury Park mosque alumni to thank for having to remove shoes before boarding an airline flight.


The UK is known thoughout Europe as a breeding ground for radical islamic extremists

We almost have to apologise on a daily basis for being white and none Muslim.

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I see that Harleyman's concept of history is the usual back of a Corn Flake package, with the usual racist overtones. Its the Muslims innit he spouts, regurgitating simplistic tabloid bile, in a rabble rousing populist way. Such displays of loutishness should be applauded, as we all need someone to laugh at.


Its not blaming the USA Mr. Dolt, its about just stating facts, what people do, their behaviours, and the consequences, which stands there to be seen. But why should fact bother some people, when its just another laugh innit, where the poor unappreciated gets a moment of possible recognition, as a prize numptie of course.


On the other hand it used to be the Irish, bombing all over place, shooting machine guns everywhere they could, shame them Muslims cannot get it together like them Irish innit, then another Mr. Alf Garnet of Sheffield forum what a pickle... innit!


Ever thought of forming a lynch mob, stringing up a few of them you do not like the look of, you and your mates, wearing I'm not a racist T-shirts. What glory awaits such types!


Anyway thanks for existing, don’t you just love stereotyping people, as this pot calls the kettle black, it’s a laugh innit!


I have issues with the Yanks and have crossed swords with harleyman and others on this subject before. However, your insulting and derogatory tone towards a nation who, despite its faults is generous to a fault, magnanimous to its enemies and loyal to its friends is plain stupid.


Had it nor been for the Yanks western Europe including this country would have been overrun by the Russians by 1950. We owe them a debt beyond money.


True they are irritating in the naivety thinking that everyone wants to either be in the US or like the US, but all in all I wonder rather be living as a US state than being a member of the EEC.


Your meanderings are meaningless and your spite and envy show through.


God bless America, God Bless Democracy.


---------- Post added 24-10-2013 at 17:13 ----------


I've only been to Nashville a couple of times and once to Memphis although I've heard Austin Texas is also good for music.


---------- Post added 24-10-2013 at 17:04 ----------


---------- Post added 24-10-2013 at 05:15 ----------



We almost have to apologise on a daily basis for being white and none Muslim.


I don't apologize for being white and a non Muslim, I think I have won the best lottery there is, I am English, and born a Yorkshireman.


---------- Post added 24-10-2013 at 17:16 ----------


With the IRA in the 1970s and 80s being funded by NORAID, maybe we should have invaded the terrorist supporting USA?


That is how it's done isn't it?


Or maybe America could have invaded itself?







And of course I'm sure none of us have forgotten how in the 1980s America shipped weapons to Contra terrorists in Nicaragua, funded by arms sales to Iran (yes, that Iran).






The Iran-Contra affair (Col. Oliver North) must sure ring some bells with someone? Anyone?


These acts were not only in violation of Congressional restrictions on funding the Contras but also an arms embargo on Iran.


I guess a certain moral and legal flexibility is required when "saving the world from terrorism".


Do you think you are spending too much time on Wikipedia?

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I've only been to Nashville a couple of times and once to Memphis although I've heard Austin Texas is also good for music.


---------- Post added 24-10-2013 at 17:04 ----------


---------- Post added 24-10-2013 at 05:15 ----------



We almost have to apologise on a daily basis for being white and none Muslim.


You certainly dont need to apologise to anybody for what you are. It's only the nincompoops and pinheads who try to brainwash you into believing that we should continue to bear a legacy of guilt for the past sins of distant ancestors who chose exploitation instead of spreading the benefits of technology, medicine, education and science as the great majority of Europeans did


---------- Post added 24-10-2013 at 18:37 ----------


I have issues with the Yanks and have crossed swords with harleyman and others on this subject before. However, your insulting and derogatory tone towards a nation who, despite its faults is generous to a fault, magnanimous to its enemies and loyal to its friends is plain stupid.


Had it nor been for the Yanks western Europe including this country would have been overrun by the Russians by 1950. We owe them a debt beyond money.


True they are irritating in the naivety thinking that everyone wants to either be in the US or like the US, but all in all I wonder rather be living as a US state than being a member of the EEC.


Your meanderings are meaningless and your spite and envy show through.


God bless America, God Bless Democracy.


---------- Post added 24-10-2013 at 17:13 ----------


I've only been to Nashville a couple of times and once to Memphis although I've heard Austin Texas is also good for music.


---------- Post added 24-10-2013 at 17:04 ----------



I don't apologize for being white and a non Muslim, I think I have won the best lottery there is, I am English, and born a Yorkshireman.


---------- Post added 24-10-2013 at 17:16 ----------



Do you think you are spending too much time on Wikipedia?


Common sense posts like yours Hillpig are generally wasted on the likes of Erebus and Vague Boy.


I know the best and worst of Anerica. There's much to admire and some things to be critical about.

Certainly certain things that have happened of late can be criticised, in particular certain politicians in Washington playing Russian roulette with the nation's economuc stability and more so that of the world's also

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I've only been to Nashville a couple of times and once to Memphis although I've heard Austin Texas is also good for music.


---------- Post added 24-10-2013 at 17:04 ----------



You certainly dont need to apologise to anybody for what you are. It's only the nincompoops and pinheads who try to brainwash you into believing that we should continue to bear a legacy of guilt for the past sins of distant ancestors who chose exploitation instead of spreading the benefits of technology, medicine, education and science as the great majority of Europeans did


---------- Post added 24-10-2013 at 18:37 ----------


I have issues with the Yanks and have crossed swords with harleyman and others on this subject before. However, your insulting and derogatory tone towards a nation who, despite its faults is generous to a fault, magnanimous to its enemies and loyal to its friends is plain stupid.


Had it nor been for the Yanks western Europe including this country would have been overrun by the Russians by 1950. We owe them a debt beyond money.


True they are irritating in the naivety thinking that everyone wants to either be in the US or like the US, but all in all I wonder rather be living as a US state than being a member of the EEC.


Your meanderings are meaningless and your spite and envy show through.


God bless America, God Bless Democracy.


---------- Post added 24-10-2013 at 17:13 ----------



Common sense posts like yours Hillpig are generally wasted on the likes of Erebus and Vague Boy.


I know the best and worst of Anerica. There's much to admire and some things to be critical about.

Certainly certain things that have happened of late can be criticised, in particular certain politicians in Washington playing Russian roulette with the nation's economuc stability and more so that of the world's also


You Yanks have your good days and your bad days, just like we do, also you irritate the hell out me. BUT when it comes to a choice between you lot and the suicide bombing, women subjugating heart eating, sons of the desert or the tyrants of the steppes, I know where I am standing.

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I've only been to Nashville a couple of times and once to Memphis although I've heard Austin Texas is also good for music.


---------- Post added 24-10-2013 at 17:04 ----------



You certainly dont need to apologise to anybody for what you are. It's only the nincompoops and pinheads who try to brainwash you into believing that we should continue to bear a legacy of guilt for the past sins of distant ancestors who chose exploitation instead of spreading the benefits of technology, medicine, education and science as the great majority of Europeans did


---------- Post added 24-10-2013 at 18:37 ----------



You Yanks have your good days and your bad days, just like we do, also you irritate the hell out me. BUT when it comes to a choice between you lot and the suicide bombing, women subjugating heart eating, sons of the desert or the tyrants of the steppes, I know where I am standing.


Brits and Americans irritate the hell out of each some of the time. My father-in-law who was over in Europe during WW2 sometimes wondered if the Limeys even spoke English anymore especially when he spent a weeks leave in London. :hihi:

He was in a west end pub having a drink with a local girl when someone remarked that the Yanks were over here " stealing our girls". His reply was "I was sent here I had no choice. I would have preferred to have been sent to fight the Japs instead"


Still, they managed to fight the war side by side. The prima donnas on both sides mainly Patton and Montgomery who irritated the hell out of each beat the crap out of the Germans on the battlefields of western Europe

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Still, they managed to fight the war side by side. The prima donnas on both sides mainly Patton and Montgomery who irritated the hell out of each beat the crap out of the Germans on the battlefields of western Europe


My Wife's late Grandfather served in the trenches in WWI, his view on the US was "We weren't half glad when they arrived".

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I have issues with the Yanks and have crossed swords with harleyman and others on this subject before. However, your insulting and derogatory tone towards a nation who, despite its faults is generous to a fault, magnanimous to its enemies and loyal to its friends is plain stupid.


Had it nor been for the Yanks western Europe including this country would have been overrun by the Russians by 1950. We owe them a debt beyond money.


True they are irritating in the naivety thinking that everyone wants to either be in the US or like the US, but all in all I wonder rather be living as a US state than being a member of the EEC.


Your meanderings are meaningless and your spite and envy show through.


God bless America, God Bless Democracy.


---------- Post added 24-10-2013 at 17:13 ----------


I've only been to Nashville a couple of times and once to Memphis although I've heard Austin Texas is also good for music.


---------- Post added 24-10-2013 at 17:04 ----------



I don't apologize for being white and a non Muslim, I think I have won the best lottery there is, I am English, and born a Yorkshireman.


---------- Post added 24-10-2013 at 17:16 ----------



Do you think you are spending too much time on Wikipedia?

I don't apologize either, also white, English and of Yorkshire, so much so that I even post on Leeds Forum, known to its many SF fans as L**ds, in honour of its sister city.
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