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Russia warns rebels from Syria could return and destabilise Europe!

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So basically live your life in fear of everything?


We've never been invaded by Martians yet by your "logic", this is something we should be worried about.


Do you want to buy an anti-tiger rock, it's worked for me for 43 years.


Homer: Not a bear in sight. The Bear Patrol must be working like a charm.


Lisa: That’s specious reasoning, Dad.


Homer: Thank you, dear.


Lisa: By your logic I could claim that this rock keeps tigers away.


Homer: Oh, how does it work?


Lisa: It doesn’t work.


Homer: Uh-huh.


Lisa: It’s just a stupid rock.


Homer: Uh-huh.


Lisa: But I don’t see any tigers around, do you?


[Homer thinks of this, then pulls out some money]


Homer: Lisa, I want to buy your rock.

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Do you want to buy an anti-tiger rock, it's worked for me for 43 years.


Homer: Not a bear in sight. The Bear Patrol must be working like a charm.


Lisa: That’s specious reasoning, Dad.


Homer: Thank you, dear.


Lisa: By your logic I could claim that this rock keeps tigers away.


Homer: Oh, how does it work?


Lisa: It doesn’t work.


Homer: Uh-huh.


Lisa: It’s just a stupid rock.


Homer: Uh-huh.


Lisa: But I don’t see any tigers around, do you?


[Homer thinks of this, then pulls out some money]


Homer: Lisa, I want to buy your rock.


That's a great story. So why didn't they use one of those stones to ward of the 9/11 attacks?

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Sounds great, except its ordinary people that will suffer.




Because we voted to fuel wars in Libya thus flooding Africa and the Middle East with weapons, we then send in troops to train people as killers, and guide them to targets, or just give them the equipment.


We supply weapons to terrorist groups in Syria Iran etc anyway.........how, well just watch Cameroon and his band of pirates and their selling tactics to certain middle East dictatorships, who are more repressive than Gaddafi, Saddam ever was. Saudi Arabia buy the weapons, as a sort of modern version of paying tribute at hiked up prices of course from us and the US of A, and send them by container load to the right sort of fanatic.


If we actively sell weapons, train people to murder, bomb and destroy, as they say if you play with fire ...expect to get burned.


But out government with a colluding media will just call these people they created as a threat to us, and they well might be. But will MP's and the gun runners get blown up, or ordinary folk, like they trained the terrorists to do in the first place???


We live in a democracy where you now vote for personalities, who when elected change their manifesto, of rather tell the plebs to go and Fu++k themselves and do whatever they like when and how. Did you vote to bomb Libya and flood Africa with weapons? Dis you vote to train terrorists in Libya and Syria? Did you vote to finance terrorism which then allows the government to increase security

, diminishing out freedoms, put us all under surveillance, making us distrust each other regard some as a threat who have lived here for a few generations, in the divide and rule policy, which is all about the poor and middle classes being introduces to poverty, while its pay rises and bonuses all round for politicians and corporations



But then again why put things in perspective when most like if not love the distortions they are used to???????

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Sounds great, except its ordinary people that will suffer.




Because we voted to fuel wars in Libya thus flooding Africa and the Middle East with weapons, we then send in troops to train people as killers, and guide them to targets, or just give them the equipment.


We supply weapons to terrorist groups in Syria Iran etc anyway.........how, well just watch Cameroon and his band of pirates and their selling tactics to certain middle East dictatorships, who are more repressive than Gaddafi, Saddam ever was. Saudi Arabia buy the weapons, as a sort of modern version of paying tribute at hiked up prices of course from us and the US of A, and send them by container load to the right sort of fanatic.


If we actively sell weapons, train people to murder, bomb and destroy, as they say if you play with fire ...expect to get burned.


But out government with a colluding media will just call these people they created as a threat to us, and they well might be. But will MP's and the gun runners get blown up, or ordinary folk, like they trained the terrorists to do in the first place???


We live in a democracy where you now vote for personalities, who when elected change their manifesto, of rather tell the plebs to go and Fu++k themselves and do whatever they like when and how. Did you vote to bomb Libya and flood Africa with weapons? Dis you vote to train terrorists in Libya and Syria? Did you vote to finance terrorism which then allows the government to increase security

, diminishing out freedoms, put us all under surveillance, making us distrust each other regard some as a threat who have lived here for a few generations, in the divide and rule policy, which is all about the poor and middle classes being introduces to poverty, while its pay rises and bonuses all round for politicians and corporations



But then again why put things in perspective when most like if not love the distortions they are used to???????


You live in a world of your own dont you? Do you see yourself as some Messiah who walks around shedding the light of truth on the great unwashed and unlearned?


Delusions of grandeur were never so amply demonstrated. It's time for the couch matey :hihi: :hihi:

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You live in a world of your own dont you? Do you see yourself as some Messiah who walks around shedding the light of truth on the great unwashed and unlearned?


Delusions of grandeur were never so amply demonstrated. It's time for the couch matey :hihi: :hihi:

That's unfair, you are trying to "weed" his mind.:hihi:
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