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Russia warns rebels from Syria could return and destabilise Europe!

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Since when has stating the blindingly obvious been seen as anything but what it is????


I admit the tabloids do manage to massage the brains of the ordinary folks, and they swallow lies and revisions of the truth like mothers milk.


The point is someone has to get to the point, an not do the Sheffield dance of nit picking, over minor details when the picture is getting darker all the time.


The country is bankrupt, finished, and in its dying state, we need more wars, with unarmed forces, as its best to fight knowing one has superior methods of mass murder, so we can plunder, I mean negotiate below market price for resources, and flog em to China, to get the lads in the City a bonus that's newsworthy. Got to keep the plebs envious. Bring Another Blair back, so we could go to war on a whim, like Libya, and nearly got away with it in Syria, although Marlie was successful.


You pay the price and the corporations with offshore accounts get the profit, seems good to me. The government are thinking it seems of changing the law so a F up like bombing Syria does not happen again, so things are looking up in the security, defense, and indiscriminate murder game, and its all legal. Why? Because you are told it is suckers!


We are so desperate we weaponise terrorists, in both Libya and Syria. Lets send our teenagers to fight with them, encourage them with lies from the tabloids, and maybe

its a neat way of exterminating them, less to pay in benefits.


As for the rest, well lets print money till one day it becomes worthless, in a country that need China to build our infrastructure because we can't afford to do it ourselves. As Osbourne stated to the world we are now a second rate nation, so wake up before we turn into a third one!! Mind you an idiot with second class history degree, knowing about economics, and running the country, is it some kind of sick joke. What next a donkey?

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