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Why ban smoking drugs IF..

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Yep and we all end up funding their treatment.


There is growing evidence that people with serious mental illness, including depression and psychosis, are more likely to use cannabis or have used it for long periods of time in the past. Regular use of the drug has appeared to double the risk of developing a psychotic episode or long-term schizophrenia. However, does cannabis cause depression and schizophrenia or do people with these disorders use it as a medication?


Over the past few years, research has strongly suggested that there is a clear link between early cannabis use and later mental health problems in those with a genetic vulnerability - and that there is a particular issue with the use of cannabis by adolescents.

my understanding of these points from my 18 years of use, it DOESNT cause mental illness it TRIGGERS it.

also funnily enough like you mentioned theres certain people that seem to be attracted to it, people find out what drugs are for them and use it, other drugs just dont do it for them.

from my time on the "scene" i knew a couple of schitzophrenics that used it, think they were prior to using the drug, but not sure.

also a good mate strangely was a heavy smoker of it but he also suffered from asthma, thinking about it a guy who was at our work was too.

so i do think theres scope for believing people with these illnesses do seem to gravitate to it.

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The person who as their house broken into so some nutter can buy their next fix.

like ive already said , isnt that down to prohibition tho? wouldnt it be different if it was legalised? is there studies that show heroin on methadone from their dr has reduced their crime rate? im sure thered be ways of managing and reducing crime if it was legal

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However, does cannabis cause depression and schizophrenia or do people with these disorders use it as a medication?


I'd say it exacerbates a pre-existing condition. Though the jury is still out on that, mostly because of it's legal status.


Clearly people who're depressed/schizophrenic should not be taking mind altering substances.


Decriminalisation would only help here, since help could be provided rather than a criminal record. Prohibition makes it much harder to ask for help as well as leading to adulterated drugs, higher prices and the need to see a dealer who's interest is to get you onto something more expensive/potent (the "gateway" effect).


Over the past few years, research has strongly suggested that there is a clear link between early cannabis use and later mental health problems in those with a genetic vulnerability - and that there is a particular issue with the use of cannabis by adolescents.


Another clarion call for regulation then, regulate like cigarettes, which are only sold to adults.

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Who is a victim from someone selling drugs?
Mainly the poorer in society these days, and the very young influenced by their peers (or in some cases parents) those too young to understand the consequences of how starting to experiment may effect them later.
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those too young to understand the consequences of how starting to experiment may effect them later.

How does someone suffer the consequences of experimenting, by selling drugs?


I'll make my point clear, because I credit you with more sense than some on here. People only suffer from their own choice to smoke it, and they should be allowed to make that choice without interference. We don't blame the landlord or brewery when people need liver transplants, and we shouldn't blame drug dealers for what others choose to do.


Where some dealers are at fault, is for pushing harder drugs, which is a result of putting the trade in the hands of criminals.

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Who is a victim from someone selling drugs?
The person who as their house broken into so some nutter can buy their next fix.
Logically falable. Utterly laughable.

Unfortunately not, but Chris is talking about pot, and angos is talking about smack.

Chalk and cheese are not even in the ballpark.

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like ive already said , isnt that down to prohibition tho? wouldnt it be different if it was legalised? is there studies that show heroin on methadone from their dr has reduced their crime rate? im sure thered be ways of managing and reducing crime if it was legal


DENVER — As lawmakers debate the future of recreational marijuana Denver Police say they are investigating more marijuana-related crimes.


Denver, where 66 percent of voters approved Amendment 64, has a growing crime issue related to marijuana according to Denver crime statistics.


When Colorado’s medical marijuana law took effect in 2009, there were 10 medical marijuana related burglaries. In 2012, that number jumped to 102 marijuana related crimes. In the first three months of this year, thieves broke into 22 businesses.


Denver police said criminals are not just hitting medical dispensaries, but homes too.

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