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Why ban smoking drugs IF..

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Nothing but its included in the tax our government loose because of smuggling.


---------- Post added 26-10-2013 at 17:44 ----------



Nope, but legalisation will just make a bad situation worse.


Thank God you've joined this forum.


There is a certain element on here who want drugs a go go.


Elderly to freeze to death in winter.


The Fat Cats to be the only ones benefiting from Shale Fracking.


They want us to apologise for those who made a mint out of the British Empire.


In fact I reckon that they think it should be a crime to be a patriotic Brit


---------- Post added 26-10-2013 at 17:58 ----------


as for tax revenue 100% of tax revenue from the drugs industry has been lost.


and more to the point..


'A report by the UK government's drug strategy unit that was subsequently leaked to the press, stated that due to the expensive price of highly addictive drugs heroin and cocaine, that drug use was responsible for the great majority of crime, including 85% for shoplifting, 70-80% of burglaries and 54% of robberies. "The cost of crime committed to support illegal cocaine and heroin habits amounts to £16 billion a year in the UK" (note: this is more than the entire annual UK Home Office budget)'


heroin is soo cheap to make that it could be supplied foc to all who wanted it and certainly wouldn't top 16 bil /year


No No No you're so wrong, drugs are harmless, nobody ever suffered, got hurt or hurt anybody due to Drugs.


Look back on this topic, you'll see where the pro druggies claim this, it's all a myth about some babies born to junkies are hooked at birth.


You really must watch your posts.;):hihi::D


---------- Post added 26-10-2013 at 18:04 ----------


Originally Posted by Peer Gynt View Post


So you'd like another danger let loose on the streets would you?





So are you saying that cannabis is harmless?




Mind you the denial bunch being Cannabis/drug experts will no doubt ridicule this.

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They are different things though, and mostly for tax avoidance reasons.

Also I'm not sure you'll ever find anyone who says that dodgy imported alcohol or tobacco cut with wood should ever be legalised.


as for tax revenue 100% of tax revenue from the drugs industry has been lost.


and more to the point..


'A report by the UK government's drug strategy unit that was subsequently leaked to the press, stated that due to the expensive price of highly addictive drugs heroin and cocaine, that drug use was responsible for the great majority of crime, including 85% for shoplifting, 70-80% of burglaries and 54% of robberies. "The cost of crime committed to support illegal cocaine and heroin habits amounts to £16 billion a year in the UK" (note: this is more than the entire annual UK Home Office budget)'


heroin is soo cheap to make that it could be supplied foc to all who wanted it and certainly wouldn't top 16 bil /year


And cheap legal supply of drugs will turn millions into lazy delinquents, and any tax money raised will be spent on supporting them. Do you really thing drug addicts make good employees able to support themselves.

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Do you really thing drug addicts make good employees able to support themselves.


People who take drugs can hold down jobs! I've taken drugs, I'm doing rather well!


On the other hand, I know people who have never taken drugs that can't hold a job down.

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People who take drugs can hold down jobs! I've taken drugs, I'm doing rather well!


On the other hand, I know people who have never taken drugs that can't hold a job down.

And being a druggie there are many, many jobs that should not be open to you whereas for the most part this does not apply to normal people.


---------- Post added 26-10-2013 at 18:25 ----------


And cheap legal supply of drugs will turn millions into lazy delinquents, and any tax money raised will be spent on supporting them. Do you really thing drug addicts make good employees able to support themselves.


Yes but you're not supposed to point that out.

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And being a druggie there are many, many jobs that should not be open to you whereas for the most part this does not apply to normal people.


Ha Ha Ha..........amazing!


I'm amazing at my job, thanks very much!

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People who take drugs can hold down jobs! I've taken drugs, I'm doing rather well!


On the other hand, I know people who have never taken drugs that can't hold a job down.


Some can but many can't, what would you do about the people that can't, an increase in drug use would mean an increase in the amount of people that can't hold down a job.

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Some can but many can't, what would you do about the people that can't, an increase in drug use would mean an increase in the amount of people that can't hold down a job.


Who said there was going to be an increase in drug use??

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Who said there was going to be an increase in drug use??


Lots of experts in the field of drug use and its an inevitable consequence of making them legal. The people that already use drugs will likely use more, especially if they are cheaper, and some people that are put off by the illegality of drug use will start using. As drugs become more readily available, children will get hold of them, fail in school as a consequence and will become dependent on the state for their survival.

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And cheap legal supply of drugs will turn millions into lazy delinquents, and any tax money raised will be spent on supporting them. Do you really thing drug addicts make good employees able to support themselves.

What makes you think that? Has this happened with alcohol?


Some can but many can't

Just about every cannabis user I've ever known has a job

what would you do about the people that can't, an increase in drug use would mean an increase in the amount of people that can't hold down a job.
What makes you think that people will suddenly start taking so many drugs that it prevents them from functioning in this way?


Drug groups said it was clear proof of how cannabis, which no longer even carries an automatic police caution for possession since re-classification, can lead to a life of crime. Youngsters, once they are involved in a drugs culture, turn to crime to get the money to buy cannabis - including super-strength skunk. The drug also stops them caring about breaking the law.

Can you share your source for this info?
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What makes you think that? Has this happened with alcohol?


Yes, many alcoholics can't hold down a job and rely on state handouts, its even classed as a disability.




What makes you think that people will suddenly start taking so many drugs that it prevents them from functioning in this way?

Its a consequence of addiction.


---------- Post added 26-10-2013 at 20:16 ----------


Some more copy and paste for you.


Addicts and alcoholics steal because they’re too strung out to hold a job, not because the price is so high. Alcohol causes more theft than heroin.


Nearly all addictive drugs cause crime and violence, including alcohol, and almost all the crime is drug- and alcohol-related. Most of this crime, approximately 60 percent, is simply because people who are drunk or high do stupid, violent things. They call this pharmacological effect. Child abuse and domestic violence almost always fall into this category. Most murders do, too.


Most people picture heroin addicts stealing to support a habit, but alcoholics also have very high rates of property crimes like forgery and burglary. It’s not that alcohol is expensive; it’s that they’re too drunk or hungover to hold a job. That’s 20 percent of all crime.


Marijuana has a low rate of addiction. Researchers have found that, among people who smoke pot at least once a week, between 6-11 percent get addicted. This is similar to the statistics for alcohol. But it’s these addicts and heavy users who cause all the problems. Whether a lot of people smoke pot or very few, that 6 percent seems to stay consistent. So if marijuana use doubles because of legalization, then the number of addicted users will also double, as will the number of crimes. When it comes to addiction and crime, marijuana works like any other addictive drug.


Research shows that heavy and addicted pot-smokers are several times more likely than non-users to commit violent crime.

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