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Why ban smoking drugs IF..

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A clear mind would help, but it is easy to understand.


Very true.


---------- Post added 27-10-2013 at 11:11 ----------


Wait a minute.....a cheap supply of drugs? Tax payers money spent on supporting addicts??


Does your quote sound familiar??


Take out the legal part and you've got exactly the situation that we have today! Drugs are readily available and really cheap.

The only thing is, at the moment we are also spending billions on top of this, fighting a war that is impossible to win!


And to answer your question....no, I don't think an addict would make a good employee, why do you ask?


---------- Post added 27-10-2013 at 09:47 ----------



How will the trade be removed from criminal gangs? How was alcohol removed from the gangs during the prohibition era?? It was made legal! Same thing will apply here!


Who will grow and distribute the drug? I will grow the drug and I will smoke my own supply.


How much will it cost? About £20 for a bag of female seeds. The quantity grown will be sufficient for a 12 month supply.


What will the criminal gangs turn to if they can't make money growing weed? That's a good question. Maybe you should try and answer that one?


You seem to know an awful lot about illegal drugs.:suspect: it leads one to think how come.:suspect:


---------- Post added 27-10-2013 at 11:15 ----------


You can make all the unfounded claims you like but it won't change the fact that legalisation will reduce crime and the associated problems caused by the trade being in the hands of criminals.

Another of those in denial, it was the same about elderly who die in the winter through the cold weather. Now it's denial about the harm using cannabis can and does do although official links to the dangers of smoking cannabis have been provided those in denial choose to argue.

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How will the trade be removed from criminal gangs?

Who will grow and distribute the drug?

How much will it cost?

What will the criminal gangs turn to if they can't make money growing weed?

I've already provided proof of that. Of course, you and I know that I haven't, but it's an easy way of avoiding anything difficult.


I'll now finish on a thinly veiled insult. I hope my techniques are to your liking.

Another of those in denial

I've never been to Egypt. ;)

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You seem to know an awful lot about illegal drugs.:suspect: it leads one to think how come.:suspect:


Maybe because we live n the real world, the one where drugs, be they legal or not have been around longer than laws.

The one where simply stating drugs r bad mmmk isn't a valid reason for stopping people doing what they want to do.


I'm really struggling to comprehend how some people think that keeping the drug situation the same is going to make any kind of positive change.

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Blimey Ill be guilty of the Zodiac crimes next all for a couple of mph on a motorway


Isn't it ironic and convenient that your crime is somehow less serious than someone lighting up a spliff.


You're a hypocrite. The point is YOU breaking the law and excusing yourself at the price of equally accusing others as lowlife and scum. You're a self appointed apologist and now you're crying like a 12yr old bully because you've been bangy'd to rights.

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I do hope we're not going down the "cannabis cures cancer" path again.


It'll come, believe me, they'll be calling it The Fountain of Youth next.:roll:


---------- Post added 27-10-2013 at 11:31 ----------


I'll bite. why do you pay your taxes?


Not to support crack heads and the likes.

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This is what the NHS as to say about it.


There are several health risks associated with cannabis use, including dependency problems, mental health problems and lung damage.


As with other drugs, dependence on cannabis is influenced by a number of factors, including how long you’ve been using it, how much you use and whether you are more prone to becoming dependent.


You may find you have difficulty stopping regular use, and you may experience psychological and physical withdrawal symptoms when you do stop. Withdrawal symptoms can include cravings for cannabis, irritability, mood changes, appetite disturbance, weight loss, difficulty sleeping and, in some people, sweating, shaking and diarrhoea.






Legalisation will normalise it's use and many people that won't try it because its legal are likely to try it when it become legal and readily available.


first bit, obviously, nobodys said different, BUT its about moderation, theres a vast difference between smoking one spliff on a night to chill out and smoking half ounce a day while you sit in yer pants in front of jeremy kyle. the more you smoke the more you are gonna have health issues and dependency issues

as for legalisation issues, im not sure thats an issue, you are either a dope smoker or youre not, only idiots would start smoking purely cos it went from illegal to legal.

its like gambling, its legal but i dont gamble, its just not me

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