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Why ban smoking drugs IF..

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Presumably all the members of LEAP are druggies too? If they are campaigning for legalisation?


And Richard Branson? Well known mind addled druggie with no future.


Michael Phelps, what a druggy loser.



Look out kids: cannabis can lead to olympic gold medals a private island in the Caribbean.

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Wait a minute.....a cheap supply of drugs? Tax payers money spent on supporting addicts??


Does your quote sound familiar??


Take out the legal part and you've got exactly the situation that we have today! Drugs are readily available and really cheap.

The only thing is, at the moment we are also spending billions on top of this, fighting a war that is impossible to win!


And making it legal will make that situation worse.


And to answer your question....no, I don't think an addict would make a good employee, why do you ask?


So no point legalising more addictive drugs.




How will the trade be removed from criminal gangs? How was alcohol removed from the gangs during the prohibition era?? It was made legal! Same thing will apply here!


Criminals still manufacture and sell alcohol.




Who will grow and distribute the drug? I will grow the drug and I will smoke my own supply.


How will this be taxed.


How much will it cost? About £20 for a bag of female seeds. The quantity grown will be sufficient for a 12 month supply.


And after tax.

What will the criminal gangs turn to if they can't make money growing weed? That's a good question. Maybe you should try and answer that one?


One of the reason given to justify decriminalisation is to cut crime, and if you don't know what criminals are going to turn too to make money, you can't know that crime will decrease.

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Isn't it ironic and convenient that your crime is somehow less serious than someone lighting up a spliff.


You're a hypocrite. The point is YOU breaking the law and excusing yourself at the price of equally accusing others as lowlife and scum. You're a self appointed apologist and now you're crying like a 12yr old bully because you've been bangy'd to rights.

Im a hypocrite ,blimey ,nothing to say about your faux pas re Mr Bangy then just say no to the drugs and everything will become clearer.Theres breaking the law and breaking the law Im sure committing murder doesnt equate to parking illegally or breaking the speed limit by a few miles per hour otherwise there would be more people locked up than on the streets if that where the case and in your eyes that would mean paedophilia, drug dealers d&d's etc would be of equal status get a grip man

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Michael Phelps, what a druggy loser.




Michael Phelps Admits Drug Use



Olympic swimming champion Michael Phelps has admitted to using pot, after photos were leaked to a paper that showed partaking in what he called "regrettable" behaviour and "bad judgement". The photo was published first in the News of the World.


In a statement to the AP, Phelps said: "I engaged in behavior which was regrettable and demonstrated bad judgment. I'm 23 years old and despite the successes I've had in the pool, I acted in a youthful and inappropriate way..."


---------- Post added 27-10-2013 at 12:45 ----------



And Richard Branson? Well known mind addled druggie with no future.



Richard Branson

Imagine if we spent this money on rehabilitation and prevention. As Ive said before, we need to develop a new approach that treats drugs as a public health issue, rather than a criminal one.


I don't have a problem with this, but it doesn't need to be made legal to achieve it.

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Bickering and insults removed. If you cannot remain civil I will be happy to issue suspensions.




Amazing, you removed my last post which was in response to a previous post that wasn't removed. Before deleting posts you may want to read them first, it was a reasonably responded post considering.


So what you going to do mort, close down 50% of the thread in order to play equal moderation fairness?.. Most moderators are civil but you wave your equally ill mannered moderation around with impunity. Ironically.

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Richard Branson doesn't think cannabis should be a criminal issue. You agree with him, but still want it criminalised.


See a gap in your position?


I agree with the quote from him, Its possible to agree in part with someone without agreeing on everything.

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Presumably all the members of LEAP are druggies too? If they are campaigning for legalisation?


And Richard Branson? Well known mind addled druggie with no future.


Michael Phelps, what a druggy loser.



Look out kids: cannabis can lead to olympic gold medals a private island in the Caribbean.

it's getting like a druggies convention on here.:suspect:
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