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Why ban smoking drugs IF..

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What a narrow mind you have.

you dont read the posts very well do you ? go back and try again


---------- Post added 21-10-2013 at 21:35 ----------


only just noticed? :hihi:

I would put my hand over my mouth if I were you Mel one minute youre all high and mighty when having a pop at possible lawbreakers yet youre out on a limb defending a section of the community,drug dealers,that make their money from other peoples addictions ...what would you call those type of people ?..I cant wait for your answer

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drug dealers,that make their money from other peoples addictions ...what would you call those type of people ?..I cant wait for your answer


Barmen, pub landlords, and tobacconists, as well as other drug dealers, I wouldn't call the staff at my local scum, nor would I call my drug dealer that either, he seems like a nice enough guy.


Next question?

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Barmen, pub landlords, and tobacconists, as well as other drug dealers, I wouldn't call the staff at my local scum, nor would I call my drug dealer that either, he seems like a nice enough guy.


Next question?

Says it all doesnt it mind you I have always admired the criminal fraternity theyre a very close knit group ,the pushers feed the sheep and the sheep follow blindly or should that be mindlessly.


---------- Post added 21-10-2013 at 23:36 ----------


No, i read them perfectly well first time, that's how i came to my correct assessment of you. :roll:

Well obviously by your posts you do drugs so the day I worry about a assessment by someone with a drug addled mind will be a cold day in hell

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I don't smoke weed never have never will, I've worked in the entertainment industry all my life, if people wanna smoke it, then it's up to them, if it was legalised to grow your own then it would stop the dealers.

Just like harder drugs, if they were legalised too, or even sold cheaper and dished out in a controlled environment this would cut crime too.

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Says it all doesnt it mind you I have always admired the criminal fraternity theyre a very close knit group ,the pushers feed the sheep and the sheep follow blindly or should that be mindlessly.


Y'know how you've labelled all drug dealers as scum...


Well, seeing as you hate them so much, I presume you want to put them out of business. Do you know what the only way to put them out of business is?


I'll give you a clue: it's not harsher punishments.

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Well obviously by your posts you do drugs so the day I worry about a assessment by someone with a drug addled mind will be a cold day in hell


Before you comment you should educate yourself on the subject. All you're doing atm is showing your complete ignorance.


You support a drug that causes endless violence and anti social behaviour as it's legal- Alcohol.

You support a drug that burdens the nhs to the cost on several hundreds of million of pounds per year as it's legal- Tobacco.

Yet cannabis users happily smoking at home bothering no-one are scum ?


Have this. :loopy:

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If you can pick some up in 5 minutes obviously you have information on people who are dealing,surely then it is your public duty to report such scum


What you believe isn't relevant though at the end of the day its illegal and you have a public duty to disclose details


Do you inform the police every time you see someone driving above the speed limit, or every time you see someone drop litter?

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Before you comment you should educate yourself on the subject. All you're doing atm is showing your complete ignorance.


You support a drug that causes endless violence and anti social behaviour as it's legal- Alcohol.

You support a drug that burdens the nhs to the cost on several hundreds of million of pounds per year as it's legal- Tobacco.

Yet cannabis users happily smoking at home bothering no-one are scum ?


Have this. :loopy:

Im not supporting anything ,it doesnt matter what problems alcohol and tobacco causes they are legal and are regulated by the government as regards taxable income etc ,drug taking and dealing are not legal and I have seen first hand what problems can be caused and the misery to others that can emanate from illegal drug dealing,I have ovn a few occasions had to sort the mess out afterwards ,remember that when your puffing away trying to achieve something that doesnt naturally exist in the human mind and certainly dont question my ignorance on drugs and the fall out ,I was dealing with said fallout probably before you rolled your first spliff,you cant even find corect arguments I didnt say the users were scum,idiots maybe,I said the dealers were so it does seem as re previous post you have trouble concentrating on statements ..Hey Poster leave the drugs alone...just say no

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What always amazes me on here is how people try and justify smoking drugs.


Look at it in any way you see fit but smoking drugs is illegal and its amazing to see how many people will actually try and justify it.


Just because something is illegal doesn't make it wrong or do you think it was right to lock up homosexuals prior to 1967?



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