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Why ban smoking drugs IF..

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The answer to the OP is clear anyway (and has already been given), that the items have legal uses and so they are not themselves banned.


Stabbing people is illegal (and we probably all agree that it should be), but I'm sure we can all find a website that sells knives online. It's exactly the same.


...or spikes, tent pegs, steel chopsticks, letter openers, chisels, etc

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Ah, so in your opinion you are scum also?

I thought I was associating the word scum with drug dealers,Iv broken a few laws but Im pleased to say Iv never joined the drug dealing scum,another one that seems unable to comprehend plain english...Hey poster leave those drugs alone...just say no

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Of course its the end of its illegal and any amount of spouting on about other legal substances wont change that


that blind following kinda crap was spouted by those who supported criminalising gays and didn't want the slave trade to end.


As a member of the public you have a greater duty to ignore the laws and rules that are clearly idiotic.

end of ? probably not

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So by your own definition, you are the scum to which you refer.


Did you report yourself?


If not, why not, since as you say it's your public duty to do so.

Another one ..pssst Im not and never have been a drug dealer


---------- Post added 22-10-2013 at 18:36 ----------


that blind following kinda crap was spouted by those who supported criminalising gays and didn't want the slave trade to end.


As a member of the public you have a greater duty to ignore the laws and rules that are clearly idiotic.

end of ? probably not

Dont be so childish ,the world and especially the UK doesnt work like that,you break the law you get caught you get done.Im not judging the drug takers Im more concerned with the scum who deal with the filth,the same ones who would probably severely damage their own customers if they thought they were a threat,Im not talking about the foolish runners who are the ones you probably see.Im talking about the power behind them,without exeption they are a set of Nasty ********

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well say what you mean then.

As for childish. ' its illegal so their scum' thats about as simple as it gets.

the reason scumbags are involved in dealing is BECAUSE its illegal if it was (as it should be)

a regulated and taxed and governed industry you'd have decent people involved on a larger scale.

You see -most of- the good people stay away because its illegal but as its a viable business that leaves the scumbags.


In your opinion Glam should it be made into a legal business?

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well say what you mean then.

As for childish. ' its illegal so their scum' thats about as simple as it gets.

the reason scumbags are involved in dealing is BECAUSE its illegal if it was (as it should be)

a regulated and taxed and governed industry you'd have decent people involved on a larger scale.

You see -most of- the good people stay away because its illegal but as its a viable business that leaves the scumbags.


In your opinion Glam should it be made into a legal business?

No it shouldnt and I would say the same thing if smoking tobacco was illegal and you asked me the same question

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Despite what has been said on here about the availability of weed, I wouldn't have a clue where to get some from or how to grow it.

IMO it should be legal to GYO, obviously within limits, but from my

understanding, already the police don't prosecute people who have one or two plants for their own use.

Most of us use "acceptable" drugs almost every day, coffee to give us a kick, alcohol to relax and loosen the tongue, herbs to help us sleep etc.


Can someone explain why weed is different, from what I have read about the subject it can do all of the above by using different strains.


All I can assume is that people have such a downer on it simply because

it is illegal, that's fine by me the world need law abiders, but I try not to demonise it, because I see really big problems caused by alcohol

and non from weed use? (except when abused at a young age just like alcohol)

I like a drink, not in large amounts and not all the time, it does it for me, it's legal and easy to get hold of. But no doubt it is doing me more harm than if I was using weed.

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