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Why ban smoking drugs IF..

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Druggies always in denial ,you keep lining the scums pockets your brains are that fried youre easy touches bye bye Im not wasting my time talking to low life pot heads


Who is this in response to?


---------- Post added 22-10-2013 at 23:58 ----------


100% correct.


So, I take it that you always phone the police when somebody drops litter or breaches the speed limit?

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Who is this in response to?


---------- Post added 22-10-2013 at 23:58 ----------



So, I take it that you always phone the police when somebody drops litter or breaches the speed limit?


You're really wasting your time. These sort of people cannot differentiate from someone who casually enjoys a spliff at the weekend and a shoplifting/burglarious crack head. Tiny minds of the highest order.

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If you want to know how to grow weed, then ask 2You tube" and there are many, many people willing to take you through the process. Why buy it when you could grow your own. Obviously growing more than 5-6 plants could be seen as a business, so its about control.


Meanwhile...The Telegraph revealed in a report that the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), also known as MI6, appealed for extra staff from other intelligence agencies for Afghanistan after British troops leave in 2014.


“I think they are going to Afghanistan to help manage the 100-billion-dollar-a year drug industry, moving heroin through Afghanistan, managing the banking for the heroin industry through London banks. I cannot think of anything else they would do there,” Duff said.


This is interesting regarding the Mass Debate on the subject


Uruguay is set to become the first country in the world to legalize the sale of marijuana at a market price of US$1 a gram. The bill is expected to pass through the senate in November, bringing the $40 million industry under state control.


Illegal drugs do little harm when compared for instance with road deaths and accidents, 30, 000 additional to normal death rates of old people die in a cold snap in the UK, never mind adding them to the numbers who die directly from neglect.


But why consider priorities when facts can be distorted, and the killer weed that some people find alleviates pain, from serious medical conditions. Do not forget the 300 a week who die from smoking related deaths. I could go on but continue to frighten yourselves silly over nothing more than a plant, which unlike heroin is natural, unprocessed, without fungicides, insecticides and herbicides

that tobacco smokers are forced to consume.

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By "in a cold snap" you are actually quoting 'cold related' deaths from all ages and for an entire year.


---------- Post added 23-10-2013 at 07:33 ----------


Maybe you should look up the harm cannabis can do.


Are you claiming that cannabis is more dangerous than alcohol or nicotine?

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Another one ..pssst Im not and never have been a drug dealer


---------- Post added 22-10-2013 at 18:36 ----------


Dont be so childish ,the world and especially the UK doesnt work like that,you break the law you get caught you get done.Im not judging the drug takers Im more concerned with the scum who deal with the filth,the same ones who would probably severely damage their own customers if they thought they were a threat,Im not talking about the foolish runners who are the ones you probably see.Im talking about the power behind them,without exeption they are a set of Nasty ********


Every now and again, I grow some weed plants. I usually go for 2 or 3 plants. If all 3 end up surviving, I get quite a lot of produce, too much for me to smoke. I usually give some away, or sell some to close friends.

I guess that makes me scum, in your eyes? Even though I'm not harming a single person with my actions!


---------- Post added 23-10-2013 at 07:43 ----------


Druggies always in denial ,you keep lining the scums pockets your brains are that fried youre easy touches bye bye Im not wasting my time talking to low life pot heads


The use of the word 'druggie', is how to define an idiot!


Funny how the poster with the worst grammar and intellect is the one who is against drugs?

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By "in a cold snap" you are actually quoting 'cold related' deaths from all ages and for an entire year.


---------- Post added 23-10-2013 at 07:33 ----------



Are you claiming that cannabis is more dangerous than alcohol or nicotine?


It would be hard to prove either way with it being a hidden pastime - if it were as equally available at Tesco's fag counter, and the same amount was openly sold each day as cigarettes, then you'd be able to compare properly, over a prolonged period.


I do think personally that people growing such products to sell, particularly to underage kids, are lowlifes (or scum as that seems to be the word of the thread!). It's one thing to make an informed choice when you're an adult to grow your own and consume within your own premises - it's the luring of youngsters into that lifestlyle (and potentially worse including excessive use of cigs and alcohol) that i'm not comfortable with... particularly with the association of stealing to fund a drug dependency.


I don't think the government can ever really legalise it (as much as they might think they can tax it if they did!), as they would fear that then users of the next level of drugs would want their favourites legalising too, and once you've opened that box... just as if cigarettes were a new invention now, I doubt they'd find it easy to be legalised either.


Let's be honest though - if you are currently being supplied cannabis at say £10 for a set amount (I have no idea how much it costs! :hihi: ), I doubt too many people would be too happy to pay an extra 20% or more for the same amount, just because it was from a legal supplier such as Tesco, if they can still get the old price from their old supplier (just as many get cheapo fags that have come from abroad).


And when you look at how much cigarettes are taxed, and how much the cost of a packet has risen over the years - it wouldn't be that long before it was double the price for your legal cannabis?

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Im not wasting my time talking to low life pot heads


In translation: "I'm on the ropes, and cannot respond, bye" :)


It seem pointless contributing to the debate when ultimately you have to accuse everyone who doesn't agree with you as "pot heads", then scurry away with your tail between your legs.

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If you want to know how to grow weed, then ask 2You tube" and there are many, many people willing to take you through the process. Why buy it when you could grow your own. Obviously growing more than 5-6 plants could be seen as a business, so its about control.


Meanwhile...The Telegraph revealed in a report that the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), also known as MI6, appealed for extra staff from other intelligence agencies for Afghanistan after British troops leave in 2014.


“I think they are going to Afghanistan to help manage the 100-billion-dollar-a year drug industry, moving heroin through Afghanistan, managing the banking for the heroin industry through London banks. I cannot think of anything else they would do there,” Duff said.


This is interesting regarding the Mass Debate on the subject


Uruguay is set to become the first country in the world to legalize the sale of marijuana at a market price of US$1 a gram. The bill is expected to pass through the senate in November, bringing the $40 million industry under state control.


Illegal drugs do little harm when compared for instance with road deaths and accidents, 30, 000 additional to normal death rates of old people die in a cold snap in the UK, never mind adding them to the numbers who die directly from neglect.


But why consider priorities when facts can be distorted, and the killer weed that some people find alleviates pain, from serious medical conditions. Do not forget the 300 a week who die from smoking related deaths. I could go on but continue to frighten yourselves silly over nothing more than a plant, which unlike heroin is natural, unprocessed, without fungicides, insecticides and herbicides

that tobacco smokers are forced to consume.


Heh, you said "mass debate" :hihi:

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Let's be honest though - if you are currently being supplied cannabis at say £10 for a set amount (I have no idea how much it costs! :hihi: ), I doubt too many people would be too happy to pay an extra 20% or more for the same amount...


The illegality of it pushes up the price far more than the tax would.

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