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'Dispatches.' Channel 4. 8.0pm Mon 21st Oct

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Can I urge all thiose doubting Thomas's on SF to watch this programme: (Dispatches, Channel4 8.0pm Mon 21st October)


It's about to be repeated on Channel4+1 (channel 13) at 9.0 pm and again sometime during the week. Maybe you can also get it on catch up TV, I'm not sure.


It's about all the cons big businesses and agencies use to avoid paying the minimum wage and anything else they can get away with. It's an eye opener for those people who think this doesn't happen. It seems it's widespread throughout industry.


It also explains why Cameron is able to say 'Britain has more people in work than almost any other European country' and why those 'workshy unemployed won't take the jobs on offer etc etc...'


Please watch and let me know what you think. I think you'll find it hard to defend. It's disgusting.

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I don't doubt at all that any business would do anything they can legally get away with to reduce their cost base.


Not all businesses. A mate of mine who runs a small business hates the way some of his peers work and the sharp practices they employ. He says they give those who run companies a bad name. I agree with him.

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Cameron says his 'light touch' with employment law is responsible for getting so many people into work.


Would this be the same 'light touch' he applied to the banking regulations?


That ended well didn't it....?


---------- Post added 21-10-2013 at 22:10 ----------


I don't doubt at all that any business would do anything they can legally get away with to reduce their cost base.


Have you watched it?

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Cameron says his 'light touch' with employment law is responsible for getting so many people into work.


Would this be the same 'light touch' he applied to the banking regulations?


That ended well didn't it....?



Just added this for a bit of historical accuracy..


"He therefore called for ‘light touch regulation,’ in other words less regulation on the City and finance capital. "


Who are they talking about? And who is saying it...?



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Just added this for a bit of historical accuracy..


"He therefore called for ‘light touch regulation,’ in other words less regulation on the City and finance capital. "


Who are they talking about? And who is saying it...?




We don't have a 'left of centre' party any longer. The Lib Dems were the closest but they messed up big time by getting in to bed with Cameron.

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Would this be the same 'light touch' he applied to the banking regulations?


You're a few years out. That was Crash Gordon and Ed Balls.


HINT: The banking crisis occurred in 2008. The general election wasn't until 2010. Unless Cameron has a time machine and is a shape changer, I think you'll struggle to blame him directly.



“no inspection without justification, no form filling without justification, and no information requirements without justification, not just a light touch but a limited touch.”

Gordon Brown, speech to the Confederation of British Industry, 2005




Very pleased he was with himself as well. The fat, fraudulent fool.


But Ed Balls (at the time) was equally in favour of this approach:


“But the real prize for memory loss must go to Ed Balls. On Monday he said that those who had advocated “light touch regulation” had been, in his words, “routed”. This is the same Ed Balls who as Chief Economic Adviser to the Treasury for eight years boasted about the “light touch” regime of City regulation he had designed. This is also the same Ed Balls who then as City Minister called for “a light touch approach at the global and EU level”



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You're a few years out. That was Crash Gordon and Ed Balls.


HINT: The banking crisis occurred in 2008. The general election wasn't until 2010. Unless Cameron has a time machine and is a shape changer, I think you'll struggle to blame him directly.







Very pleased he was with himself as well. The fat, fraudulent fool.


But Ed Balls (at the time) was equally in favour of this approach:







Yeah, you're right of course. Please forgive my oversight. But to be honest I don't even bother to differentiate between them any more. They all p*** in the same pot.

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I deal with a wide variety of South Yorkshire employers. I don't know any of them who avoid paying minimum wage.


If any employer is they should be reported and prosecuted. So don't bleat, if you have evidence report it to the relevant authority. Its illegal.

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