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'Dispatches.' Channel 4. 8.0pm Mon 21st Oct

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Who set you up as the Sheffield Forum paragon of integrity and virtue, Hillpig? :rolleyes:


Keep trying :P


You malign a section of a substantial and important industry, give spurious information second hand from your mate in the industry and substantiate this by detailing its business registration practices.


When given the opportunity to back this up you beat a retreat.


Put up or shut up.

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Ah, progressing to character assassination now. As expected.

You malign a section of a substantial and important industry, give spurious information second hand from your mate in the industry and substantiate this by detailing its business registration practices.
See, that's exactly why I did not PM you anything, nor will I. You cannot be trusted (I certainly cannot trust you-) with that information. You're going about this like a standard Forum poster, not the involved "professional" you claim to be. And your choice of words in the above speaks for itself.

Put up or shut up.
Why? Again, who set you up as the referree of all things false and true on Sheffield Forum?

When given the opportunity to back this up you beat a retreat.
I haven't. I told you the matter was already in hand. You (and all who read this thread) may eventually hear about the outcome in the regional/national media. That's enough for me, it'll have to do for you.


Keep up with the slagging, you've not quite yet made my ignore list.

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Ah, progressing to character assassination now. As expected.See, that's exactly why I did not PM you anything, nor will I. You cannot be trusted (I certainly cannot trust you-) with that information. You're going about this like a standard Forum poster, not the involved "professional" you claim to be.

Why? Again, who set you up as the referree of all things false and true on Sheffield Forum?

I haven't. I told you the matter was already in hand. You (and all who read this thread) may eventually hear about the outcome in the regional/national media. That's enough for me, it'll have to do for you.


Keep up with the slagging, you've not quite yet made my ignore list.


If this matter is something you are dealing with in a professional capacity why have you raised it on here? In any case why not furnish the details confidentially and we can take a two pronged approach to this?


I have no desire to assassinate your character, you are making a pretty good attempt at character suicide. Nor am I "slagging".


If you produce the evidence, I will apologize profusely, indeed I will donate a sum of £100 to any charity you name. Hows that sound?

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If this matter is something you are dealing with in a professional capacity why have you raised it on here?
I am not dealing with this in a professional capacity, and I have already explained why I raised it.

In any case why not furnish the details confidentially and we can take a two pronged approach to this?

Because you cannot provide me with the confidentiality (required for what you suggested) on here, and because you have since demonstrated your bias in the issue quite clearly.

I have no desire to assassinate your character, you are making a pretty good attempt at character suicide. Nor am I "slagging".
Well, you're the poster taking my posts about the matter very much to heart (needlessly so), and throwing the toys out of the pram because I choose not to divulge facts underpinning my posts to you.

If you produce the evidence, I will apologize profusely, indeed I will donate a sum of £100 to any charity you name. Hows that sound?
Nice effort, progressing to bribery now. You're improving :rolleyes:
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I am not dealing with this in a professional capacity, and I have already explained why I raised it.


Because you cannot provide me with the confidentiality (required for what you suggested) on here, and because you have since demonstrated your bias in the issue quite clearly.

Well, you're the poster taking my posts about the matter very much to heart (needlessly so), and throwing the toys out of the pram because I choose not to divulge facts underpinning my posts to you.

Nice effort, progressing to bribery now. You're improving :rolleyes:


I trust anyone reading this thread will see that I have attempted to get this person to substantiate a very serious allegation concerning local businesses.


He has failed to do so, he seeks to demean and belittle my contributions by the insertions of smiley faces and sarcasm.


I can only conclude that he has no information of wrong doing. As said earlier, Bull****.

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We don't need a left of centre party, it is the left through Labour who have bankrupted this country with policies that go back to Attlee.


It doesn't work!



If you tried you would struggle to find a statement that displays a greater level of ignorance.

This country has never been in a worse financial position than we were just after the war.

In comparison, today's debts are pocket change.

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If you tried you would struggle to find a statement that displays a greater level of ignorance.

This country has never been in a worse financial position than we were just after the war.

In comparison, today's debts are pocket change.



Well we had just fought the world war, its not cheap you know. Fighting the forces of darkness.


We are the most indebted nation in the EU. This is because we have, since 1945, indeed you could argue since 1908, tried to maintain an over generous welfare system.


Blair and Brown, inheriting a balanced budget from Major and Clarke, went on a spending spree with borrowed money. They let the banks rip and were directly responsible for the crash. (They didn't fix the roof when the sun was shining).


I am not ignorant, I am well read and wise, I am a Conservative.

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Well we had just fought the world war, its not cheap you know. Fighting the forces of darkness.


We are the most indebted nation in the EU. This is because we have, since 1945, indeed you could argue since 1908, tried to maintain an over generous welfare system.


Blair and Brown, inheriting a balanced budget from Major and Clarke, went on a spending spree with borrowed money. They let the banks rip and were directly responsible for the crash. (They didn't fix the roof when the sun was shining).


I am not ignorant, I am well read and wise, I am a Conservative.


So it's alright to rip workers off then.

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WHy was all this never an issue when Labour were in Government?


I think the answer lies in the fact they were good salespeople and call it flexible working patterns to fit in with people's busy lives, now its called by its real name (zero hours contracts) everyone is up in arms.


All this practice of Agency Staff getting less that staff working for a company has been going off for years.

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WHy was all this never an issue when Labour were in Government?


I think the answer lies in the fact they were good salespeople and call it flexible working patterns to fit in with people's busy lives, now its called by its real name (zero hours contracts) everyone is up in arms.


All this practice of Agency Staff getting less that staff working for a company has been going off for years.


It was an issue, but like Hillpig, people didn't believe it was happening. Some people won't believe anything until it happens to them.


It's not party political, but since the downturn and the deliberate media attempts to demonise the unemployed, we need programmes like this to give the other side of the story. Maybe then people will stop going on about 'all these job vacancies, but the unemployed are too lazy to do them.'


They are not real jobs.

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