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'Dispatches.' Channel 4. 8.0pm Mon 21st Oct

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It was an issue, but like Hillpig, people didn't believe it was happening. Some people won't believe anything until it happens to them.


It's not party political, but since the downturn and the deliberate media attempts to demonise the unemployed, we need programmes like this to give the other side of the story. Maybe then people will stop going on about 'all these job vacancies, but the unemployed are too lazy to do them.'


They are not real jobs.




I think the only reason its now an issue is that those who benefited from flexible working are now on the recieving end of these working patterns.


I guess you have to be careful of what you support, because one day it bites you on the bottom

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It was an issue, but like Hillpig, people didn't believe it was happening. Some people won't believe anything until it happens to them.


It's not party political, but since the downturn and the deliberate media attempts to demonise the unemployed, we need programmes like this to give the other side of the story. Maybe then people will stop going on about 'all these job vacancies, but the unemployed are too lazy to do them.'


They are not real jobs.


What aren't real jobs?

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Well we had just fought the world war, its not cheap you know. Fighting the forces of darkness.


We are the most indebted nation in the EU. This is because we have, since 1945, indeed you could argue since 1908, tried to maintain an over generous welfare system.


Blair and Brown, inheriting a balanced budget from Major and Clarke, went on a spending spree with borrowed money.

Are you not seeing the contradiction in your statements?

Do you want to explain how we got from the massive debt run up by a hugely expensive war to a balanced budget if our current debt was caused by the welfare system introduced right after the war?

They let the banks rip and were directly responsible for the crash. (They didn't fix the roof when the sun was shining).

No, the banks were directly responsible for the crash.

Your statement is a bit like saying that the police are directly responsible for all the crime that happens.

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So it's alright to rip workers off then.


If the lord had not wanted them shorn he would not have made them sheep.


---------- Post added 22-10-2013 at 18:22 ----------


Are you not seeing the contradiction in your statements?

Do you want to explain how we got from the massive debt run up by a hugely expensive war to a balanced budget if our current debt was caused by the welfare system introduced right after the war?


No, the banks were directly responsible for the crash.

Your statement is a bit like saying that the police are directly responsible for all the crime that happens.


Hairy, my dear old chap, in a nutshell, when you have tory policies you get balanced budgets, they have always balanced the budget, Blair and Brown balanced the budget whilst they used tory policies. Its when the reds get the cheque book everything goes lary.


Is that ok for you?


---------- Post added 22-10-2013 at 18:23 ----------


Are we talking about zero hours contracts? I can understand why someone would be very reluctant to take such a job.


I have a zero hours contract, its great, I work when I want.


---------- Post added 22-10-2013 at 18:26 ----------


It was an issue, but like Hillpig, people didn't believe it was happening. Some people won't believe anything until it happens to them.


It's not party political, but since the downturn and the deliberate media attempts to demonise the unemployed, we need programmes like this to give the other side of the story. Maybe then people will stop going on about 'all these job vacancies, but the unemployed are too lazy to do them.'


They are not real jobs.


What utter nonsense, programmes like this are made by University types, overeducated sandal wearing drug crazed loons who haave never done a days work in their lives.


A job is a job, there are plenty of them. get of your backside and get one.

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