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Royals now above scrutiny.

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They still won't publish the letters that Charlie sends to ministers. Probably because they'll show him up as exactly what he is, a old toff who wants to spend his days hunting foxes and smoking cigars in men only clubs.


The only foxes in men only clubs are part of the floor show and are usually protected.

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of course, what do you expect, after all the parliament is by royal ascent, so in theory the royals still make the laws


Actually, the laws are made by the Parliament.

Yes, to be finally put into use, they have to have the "Royal Assent", but nowadays that's a formality.

The Queen has the theoretical power to refuse assent, say to the fox-hunting bill, but her refusal would trigger a crisis which would probably end the Monarchy.


BTW -- the "royal ascent" .... is that a staircase in Buckingham Palace?

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