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False Widow Spiders in Sheffield.


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nikki-red did i state i was going to kill it i said im waiting for my partner to decide what to do with it. its a spider and not a nice one at that


Absolutely say what? Spiders don't have a particular agenda lol, it's not sat in the glass you trapped it in now plotting its revenge, and shaking 2 of it's 8 legs in your direction. If you picked the glass up, it would run back to wherever it came from.


Read the article posted previously, insects wont attack you unless you attack it (so to speak)


I'm amazed it took over almost a century for people to become scared of them lol.

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nikki-red did i state i was going to kill it i said im waiting for my partner to decide what to do with it. its a spider and not a nice one at that



My apologies. When you said 'Its more likely to get the hammer' I didnt realise you meant you were going to build it a house :roll:

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Isnt the thing here...


Suddenly people have found lots of False Widows. Yet, before the press going crazy about them no one knew about their existence. And before the press went crazy, we had no reports of serious injury.


One person has a bad reaction to them and they instantly get lynched.

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Get a grip people, spiders are tiny, you are massive. Stop being so...well, mental really. I can't think of another word that describes the paranoia, the lack of intelligence, the kneejerk reaction, the complete lack of any logic or ability to reason.


Tiny, tiny spider versus great big hulking monster armed with rolled up newspaper thrashing around like a loon.

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