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'Redrobbo' Cllr. John Robson has passed away

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Gutted to read this. Some people really leave their mark in the most fantastic way and have a gift that instinctively reaches out and deeply touches and moves others. The world would be an amazing place if we all were like redrobbo - a truly good, compassionate man. God bless you, and love and peace to all your loved ones.

Edited by Mr Bloom
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I don't think I can put into words how disappointing this is


Red was one of the people I enjoyed many late night exchanges with on here. A regular and enthusiastic contributor to the 'midnight snack' thread, with some very creative contributions, as well as being one of the most helpful and friendly posters here


I was wondering how he was doing a couple of weeks ago, as Zebra was boiling the blackcurrants from my garden into jam... I remembered him posting about his craving for blackcurrant jam on toast early on in his treatment...


Sleep tight RR - there's as much jam as you could possibly dream of where you've headed. If anybody deserves a spot in paradise for their efforts for others, it's you



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Hi all,


I have just been told that Redrobbo, Cllr. John Robson has passed away after being ill for some time.


He was an excellent ward councillor and welcome voice on Sheffield Forum.

He will be sadly missed.


RIP John


What a shame. :(

If only more Councillors/politicians were like him. He really seemed to care about everyone, not just those in his ward.

RIP Cllr Robson.

Peace and love to those you leave behind :(

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