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'Redrobbo' Cllr. John Robson has passed away

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I first met John as a Councillor. He was a tireless worker in that role and did what he thought was right for his constituents regardless of political affiliation (or not).

I think that, later, we counted one another as friends although contact was sporadic.

It wasn't long after we had met that conversation included Sheffield Forum and I told him that I thought that I had connected some of his postings and that he was redrobbo (he hadn't come out of the Forum Closet at that time).

At first he played innocent but finally came clean.

He asked me what my Forum Username was. I said that he'd have to guess, as I had.


Some time later, he mentioned a Username and that he believed that some of the posting content and mannerisms pointed to that being myself.

I always said that it must be someone else and he always played that he knew.


Hey, John. I never got the chance to come clean, but you'd got me first time!!


John recognised Sheffield Forum for what it was at that time. A medium for entertainment, friendship, exchanging ideas, communication ... and, particularly with regard to Graves Park, as an effective tool of change.


Bless you, John.

Many friends, family and I are better for having known you.

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Thank you so much for posting Steve. I hope you can feel the overwhelming warmth towards your dad from so many of the forum regulars and that you take that as a measure of how he touched people's lives.


Would it be appropriate to attend his funeral or are you planning it to be for family only?

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Thank you so much for posting Steve. I hope you can feel the overwhelming warmth towards your dad from so many of the forum regulars and that you take that as a measure of how he touched people's lives.


Would it be appropriate to attend his funeral or are you planning it to be for family only?

Dad decided his own funeral details before he died, I'll check the capacity of the venues he's lined up: hopefully that won't cause a problem that can't be resolved so once the date is arranged I will PM the details to anyone who, like you, has shown an interest in attending.


As far as I'm concerned, the more the merrier, so to speak. A poor choice of words, or perhaps not - dad wanted it to be a celebration. I wouldn't want to limit who came, I will need to check with John as well but anyone who feels they would like to attend is very welcome to as far as I'm concerned.

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I don't come on here anymore, either. I've only returned to say how very sad I am to hear about John passing away.


Steve, loads of love to you, it's so nice to see you again, just wish it was different circumstances. Your dad will be missed. I have some amazing memories of those days.


I hope you're doing ok. Please pass on my love to John. I'm thinking about him.


RIP RedRobbo. I'll flash you one last time! ;)

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I met John a couple of times at early Sheffield Forum meetups. We had recently started fostering, and he was full of helpful advice and amusing tales from his time as a social worker. A truly lovely man, so sad to hear that he's gone. I'm another one who rarely visits the forum nowadays, but I wouldn't miss the opportunity to pay my respects to him.

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I'm another rare visitor brought back by this is terrible news. I met redrobbo many times at the old forum meets and he was one of the most genuinely lovely people you could ever hope to find; always ready with a smile and a quip even when he was suffering. We certainly had the odd argument over politics and for me one of the true measures of just how kind and generous in spirit he was is that we could disagree over fairly fundamental things and still be friends. He will be greatly missed and my deepest condolences to his friends, family and partner. R.I.P. Redrobbo.

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Never met him but had several discussions on here with him, we didn't always agree but he was always a gentleman, passionate in his beliefs and he had my respect.


I'll miss him


My condolences to his family



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