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Score one for Unite

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Union leaders don't give a ****e..Their nests are well feathered....


It wasn't Union leaders who voted.


Why do some people think Unions are undemocratic organisations that exist to brainwash members into voting the way they see fit?


Unions may advise or suggest but it's real people who vote, democratically. Or in most cases don't even bother to vote but then bleat about the outcome later.


Democracy eh? Maybe you'd prefer Sharia?

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It wasn't Union leaders who voted.


The union told everyone how to vote, and something like 97% of the union guys did what they were told.




The union representing workers at Grangemouth's petrochemical plant could be set to agree to the "survival plan" set out by majority owner Ineos.


About half the workforce at the complex had rejected new terms and conditions proposed by Ineos, prompting the firm to announce the plant's closure.


Subject to agreement by the workforce, Unite may now accept the changes in a "last-ditch effort" to keep it open.


The union is to present its proposals to Ineos at a meeting on Thursday.




Looks like a fine mess they've created, hopefully a rescue plan can be thrashed out and everyone can avoid loosing their job.

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What would it achieve? For a future independent Scotland it would achieve security of refined petroleum products for a country already rich in the raw inputs needed to make the refined products.


From a national security point of view (for Scotland) it's a no-brainer. They would need that kind of infrastructure of their own. Obviously as you state they'd need to revise the cost structure.


So all they need is for every man woman and child to come up with a grand apiece to buy the plant, and contribute £15 each every year so those opperating it can carry on earning far more than they ever will.

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My mother was a union rep for years with COHSE, and later with UNITE when they merged. She did not have very good things to say about the leadership or higher ups of UNITE, they were more concerned with putting out fancy brochures with pictures of Pandas on the front than they were helping out their lowly dues paying members. Not to mention their swanky office in central London.

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It wasn't Union leaders who voted.


Why do some people think Unions are undemocratic organisations that exist to brainwash members into voting the way they see fit?


Unions may advise or suggest but it's real people who vote, democratically. Or in most cases don't even bother to vote but then bleat about the outcome later.


Democracy eh? Maybe you'd prefer Sharia?


That's good. The workforce only need blame themselves in that case.

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So all they need is for every man woman and child to come up with a grand apiece to buy the plant, and contribute £15 each every year so those opperating it can carry on earning far more than they ever will.


Why would the purchase price of a failed business, in an area of low land prices, be so high?

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It wasn't Union leaders who voted.


Why do some people think Unions are undemocratic organisations that exist to brainwash members into voting the way they see fit?


Unions may advise or suggest but it's real people who vote, democratically. Or in most cases don't even bother to vote but then bleat about the outcome later.


Democracy eh? Maybe you'd prefer Sharia?


Yes it is down to the employees to decide whether to accept,or not when voting. But the union leaders advised them to vote against changes (which they did)

Now they're out of a job! The union leaders got it wrong and the company stuck to their word.

Now the union leaders didn't expect this outcome did they? So now they are grovelling and saying to the company their members WILL accept any changes. And are looking for another meeting with the company as soon as.

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The union told everyone how to vote, and something like 97% of the union guys did what they were told.



If someone told you how to vote would you?


I know I don't.


People are naturally resistant to being told what to do, they aren't sheep and there is a good streak of cussedness and contrariness in lots of people. Don't imagine everybody is a sheep.

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If someone told you how to vote would you?


I know I don't.


People are naturally resistant to being told what to do, they aren't sheep and there is a good streak of cussedness and contrariness in lots of people. Don't imagine everybody is a sheep.



I disagree.


You put someone in a hi-viz and give them a clip board and you would be surprised as to how obedient the general public may become given a few orders.

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If someone told you how to vote would you?


I know I don't.


People are naturally resistant to being told what to do, they aren't sheep and there is a good streak of cussedness and contrariness in lots of people. Don't imagine everybody is a sheep.


So they all decided, off their own back, to vote themselves out of a job?


They are stupid then.

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