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Christening of prince george - rejoice!!

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today prince george - heir to the throne of england, heir to the titles of saxe coburg-gotha, miles better than any of the babbies that you might have, was christened, baptized and otherwise inducted into the anglican christian thingy he will one day be in charge of....REJOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hello Frank, we are rejoicing as I right this, in fact the club is packed now the last chukka has been finished and the ponies are back in the stable, we have had the Bolly on ice since this morning and the phillipinoes have done a wonderful job tidying up and stuff.


Glad that you are in the same mind as the rest of us. God bless young Georgie, so wonderful.

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Doesn't matter, he's going to hell anyway.


Who Georgie?


Seems a bit much to condemn the fella at this early stage. Are you perchance one of these mooslims? or some other god botherer?


Why hell, why not Arborthorne?


---------- Post added 23-10-2013 at 18:13 ----------


Oh do cheer up chaps, its only a fooking christening.

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