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How to retrieve money from an ex

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its ok to say write it off, and i appreciate you replying, but the way this man is i really dont want him to get away with it. there has to be a way to get it back. I have thought about the small claims court but again he is not guaranteed to pay and i will be losing more money. just wondering if anyone had any experience with this and was successful.


Try to forget him. He is obviously not worth it. Let him basque in his glory. Hes stiffed you.

However, people like him always get whats coming, eventually.

Id leave it to someone else because hes bound to stiff the wrong person one day and then hell probably get some just desserts.

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As wiggie advises, the small claims court is the way.


It sound like you already know that you will have a fight on your hands getting the money back via a court, and that it could cost you money, but I don’t see any other options if as you say, you “really don’t want him to get away with it”.


If you want to have a go here is my advice:


Send a letter to the person who owes the money via recorded delivery, explaining that you will commence proceedings in the county court if payment has not been received within 14 days from the date of your letter. Keep a photo-copy of all the communications you send. Stipulate that all communications between you must now be in writing.

Nearly the same but tell him you are going to sell the claim to a debt collecting agency if not paid within 7 days. And do so if not repayed. . You may only get 50 percent back but satisfaction. Google for best firms. BANG BANG knock on the door see if he likes that.

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Nearly the same but tell him you are going to sell the claim to a debt collecting agency if not paid within 7 days. And do so if not repayed. . You may only get 50 percent back but satisfaction. Google for best frims. BANG BANG knock on the door see if he likes that.



Don't think a debt collecting agency will buy a debt which was never signed for....

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I recently settled a CCJ on a business debt to the tune of £36,000. I resigned as director three years ago but due to my own stupidity my name remained on the lease. That lease rolled over and accrued as my brother - whom I sold my business share to - ran up the debt from around £5,000 to £36,000.


Scared of having my home repossessed or bailiffs knocking on the door - not to mention the 8% interest on the charge against my property - I paid the lot off.


Will my brother give me anything towards this debt? No. I've spent over £4,000 on legal fees pretty much to be be told I'm unlikely to see a penny even if it went to court and I 'won'.

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I recently settled a CCJ on a business debt to the tune of £36,000. I resigned as director three years ago but due to my own stupidity my name remained on the lease. That lease rolled over and accrued as my brother - whom I sold my business share to - ran up the debt from around £5,000 to £36,000.


Scared of having my home repossessed or bailiffs knocking on the door - not to mention the 8% interest on the charge against my property - I paid the lot off.


Will my brother give me anything towards this debt? No. I've spent over £4,000 on legal fees pretty much to be be told I'm unlikely to see a penny even if it went to court and I 'won'.


Phew! That's some hit!

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I recently settled a CCJ on a business debt to the tune of £36,000. I resigned as director three years ago but due to my own stupidity my name remained on the lease. That lease rolled over and accrued as my brother - whom I sold my business share to - ran up the debt from around £5,000 to £36,000.


Scared of having my home repossessed or bailiffs knocking on the door - not to mention the 8% interest on the charge against my property - I paid the lot off.


Will my brother give me anything towards this debt? No. I've spent over £4,000 on legal fees pretty much to be be told I'm unlikely to see a penny even if it went to court and I 'won'.


Painful experience I know you'll bounce back bud, so sorry though.



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