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Why do women always want a man in!

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I'm sick as a parrot.

We found out we had a wobbly floor board now't drastic but wobbly.

Now its only been wobbly for five years and I must admit her on the settee has asked me to fix it about once a day.

Any way last week her who must be ebayed decided to! get a man in!

And as our house belongs to the corperation it was not going to cost me owt so I hid behind the Star and let her get on we it!


Disaster has struck! we now have three men in residence to fix our wobbly floor board and they have ripped up the whole bleedin lot as they say we have got woodworm.


Not only that but my sky box has had to be unplugged and have been told we will not be able to use our room for three days due to the fumes from the woodworm killer spray.


Now I have been in the building trade for fifty years or more and I have never seen a pantomime like this for one square foot of dead bloody woodworm ,three men, three vans, one gaffer and up to now fifteen cups of tea.


The next time her over there says I will get a man in I will jump to attention and come out of retirement and get stuck into her urgent job my self.



Next time just do the job yourself then the 'missus' wont have to resort to getting a man in.

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Next time just do the job yourself then the 'missus' wont have to resort to getting a man in.

I have no objection to her getting a man in but when three turn up in three vans with a gaffer and then proceed to spray bleedin sticky stuff all ore front room and entrance oyle then it gets a bit much.


I have now got a list of jobs and starting tomorrow will try and find my tool kit and that is some where in the hut , no more corperation work men in our house they have wrecked my daily carry on, there has been no pub, no sky and no tea due to her cleaning up for England while muttering some thing about a blocked flue that they have teld her needs attending to.

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