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UK economy grows 0.8% in 3 months July-September. The green shoots.

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Have you tried thinking or do you always try to discredit?
I just pointed out the glaring self-contradiction in your post.

Explain to me why I shouldn't be better off when the economy is doing well
Subject to your confirming your sector of employment (public or private, no need for details - though I seem to vaguely recall something about immigration services, whereby the assumption so far), I just did.


And I am fairly certain that you can read.

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But was halved last spring-early summer. I don't notice any extra money in my pocket in fact, the opposite and I guess the same goes for most people. People are only concerned about how much money they have. The figures come from the ONS and they've shown time and time again they get their figures wrong


You can back that up can you? Or is it just your usual whining when the economic figures are not to your liking and don't let you bash the Govt?


We won't even go into your selective use of the ONS where you use the figures that are bad and pronounce them as gospel...

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You can back that up can you? Or is it just your usual whining when the economic figures are not to your liking and don't let you bash the Govt?


We won't even go into your selective use of the ONS where you use the figures that are bad and pronounce them as gospel...


Yes I can, and I have done so on here within the past week or so as you know. I've always referred to the ONS in a derogatory term and will continue to do so. Plus I told you what was going to happen regarding the economy in the run-up to the 2015 a couple of years back. Now run along

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Yes I can, and I have done so on here within the past week or so as you know. I've always referred to the ONS in a derogatory term and will continue to do so. Plus I told you what was going to happen regarding the economy in the run-up to the 2015 a couple of years back. Now run along


Wrong, you are a hypocrite. You use the ONS figures when they suit you but as soon as they paint the government in a good light you call them a tory quango and refuse to accept them.


And before you do the usual and demand evidence of your hypocrisy (then vanish from the thread), I have already done this on SF within the last week so by your logic, I do not need to.


You are the worst kind of Labour fanboy there is. You want the country to fail just so you can say "I told you so" which is pretty typical of you and your socialist friends.

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Wrong, you are a hypocrite. You use the ONS figures when they suit you but as soon as they paint the government in a good light you call them a tory quango and refuse to accept them.


And before you do the usual and demand evidence of your hypocrisy (then vanish from the thread), I have already done this on SF within the last week so by your logic, I do not need to.


You are the worst kind of Labour fanboy there is. You want the country to fail just so you can say "I told you so" which is pretty typical of you and your socialist friends.


We had 1% quarterly growth in 2010, then for some reason the economy went back into reverse.

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Yes I can, and I have done so on here within the past week or so as you know. I've always referred to the ONS in a derogatory term and will continue to do so. Plus I told you what was going to happen regarding the economy in the run-up to the 2015 a couple of years back. Now run along


Ah your usual bleat - that the ONS is corrupt.


Why did you start this thread then detailing a drop from figures supplied by the ONS?




Or this one, crowing about a rise in unemployment - again based on the ONS figures..




Well? I've never known someone be so happy about peoples misery and misfortune as you. Why?


Can you also answer all the other questions that you scuttle off from - school playing fields sell off etc... you know the ones you shy away from because you look foolish.

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We had 1% quarterly growth in 2010, then for some reason the economy went back into reverse.


We had 1 quarter of 1% growth in 2010.


Q1: 0.5%

Q2: 1.0%

Q3: 0.4%

Q4: -0.2%


The average over the year was 0.45% growth.

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We had 1 quarter of 1% growth in 2010.


Q1: 0.5%

Q2: 1.0%

Q3: 0.4%

Q4: -0.2%


The average over the year was 0.45% growth.


We had a quarter of 0.5% before it too, growth was picking up & higher than it is now, then something happened around May or June, seemed to slow the whole economy down. It's been pretty flat since.


We've had one quarter of 0.8% growth this year...


Q1: 0.4%

Q2: 0.7%

Q3: 0.8%

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But was halved last spring-early summer. I don't notice any extra money in my pocket in fact, the opposite and I guess the same goes for most people. People are only concerned about how much money they have. The figures come from the ONS and they've shown time and time again they get their figures wrong


So, if in the time between now and the next election, growth recovered back to pre 2010 levels and you were better off does that mean you'd vote tory? Or is there more to it than that..

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We had a quarter of 0.5% before it too, growth was picking up & higher than it is now, then something happened around May or June, seemed to slow the whole economy down. It's been pretty flat since.


We've had one quarter of 0.8% growth this year...


Q1: 0.4%

Q2: 0.7%

Q3: 0.8%


Thats true, but our economy has been bumping along the bottom for some time. The average for this year is 0.63% so far.

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