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Would Ed Miliband win Labour the next general election

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Most right-wing voters and party members are reactionary old farts longing for the days of Empire. These people are dying out and being replaced by people with a more up-to-date outlook.

Really? REALLY? Just as many left-wingers are reactionary and longing for the days when everyone was pretty much guaranteed a job in the factory down the road and the unions ran roughshod over everything. I don't think many young people today look at the public sector with any kind of reverence and think that is where their money should go rather than in their own pockets where they can spend it on products produced by the private sector.

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Really? REALLY? Just as many left-wingers are reactionary and longing for the days when everyone was pretty much guaranteed a job in the factory down the road and the unions ran roughshod over everything. I don't think many young people today look at the public sector with any kind of reverence and think that is where their money should go rather than in their own pockets where they can spend it on products produced by the private sector.


You've got a very simplistic view of the world....With regards to #98....Perhaps you could elucidate and give further information?

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Not sure about the left / right distinction with regards to parodies....Perhaps you could elucidate and give further information?

You can parody something from either a left or right viewpoint, and yet the BBC seems to think that it is the preserve of the left. They won't give right wing comedians the time of day.

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You can parody something from either a left or right viewpoint, and yet the BBC seems to think that it is the preserve of the left. They won't give right wing comedians the time of day.


That's not entirely accurate they'll have bob mills and a few others that are a bit Tory on the news quiz. They are always the minority though - although as I pointed out (on my last now burried post at the bottom of the last page - I hate it when that happens!) most comedians, certainly of political nature are more likely left leaning - the funny ones are anyway. I don't want some unfunny right wing racist on the newsquiz just for balance.

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In a recent BBC radio4 programme The Media Show (I think), the scheduler for BBC comedy shows was interviewed regarding left wing bias on comedy shows.


She freely admitted that there was a difficulty in obtaining balance as there are few, if any, right wing comedians of the quality, for instance, of Jeremy Hardy.


The "haves" (as exemplified by the Tories) have always been lampooned by the "have nots" (as exemplified by Labour). It does not really make any difference.


No one was caricatured more than Thatcher, she was none the less the most effective PM ever.


---------- Post added 01-11-2013 at 10:11 ----------


Not necessarily. You're assuming that people's political affiliations won't change over time. If Scotland goes independent there may be a realingment of politics so that there is an alliance of left parties on the one hand against the Tories and UKIP on the right. Most right-wing voters and party members are reactionary old farts longing for the days of Empire. These people are dying out and being replaced by people with a more up-to-date outlook.


Most Tory voters are actually far from rabid right wingers, remember the majority of Union members voted for Thatcher.


Most people vote for competence, not for some died in the wool political affiliation. That's why Blair won, not because the public liked him but because the Tories were in disarray and incompetent. They would have voted Brown in but his chronic mismanagement of the economy led inevitably to where we are.


Regarding 2015, despite the Labour party putting up a spirited performance they are perceived as being not fit to govern, Milliband is a poor excuse for a leader and Balls and the rest of the front bench are awful. The Labour women are particularly poor.

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In a recent BBC radio4 programme The Media Show (I think), the scheduler for BBC comedy shows was interviewed regarding left wing bias on comedy shows.


She freely admitted that there was a difficulty in obtaining balance as there are few, if any, right wing comedians of the quality, for instance, of Jeremy Hardy.


The "haves" (as exemplified by the Tories) have always been lampooned by the "have nots" (as exemplified by Labour). It does not really make any difference.


No one was caricatured more than Thatcher, she was none the less the most effective PM ever.


---------- Post added 01-11-2013 at 10:11 ----------



Most Tory voters are actually far from rabid right wingers, remember the majority of Union members voted for Thatcher.


Most people vote for competence, not for some died in the wool political affiliation. That's why Blair won, not because the public liked him but because the Tories were in disarray and incompetent. They would have voted Brown in but his chronic mismanagement of the economy led inevitably to where we are.


Regarding 2015, despite the Labour party putting up a spirited performance they are perceived as being not fit to govern, Milliband is a poor excuse for a leader and Balls and the rest of the front bench are awful. The Labour women are particularly poor.


I think your post and along with your other posts, says it all and gives a clear picture of the type of person you are

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Really? REALLY? Just as many left-wingers are reactionary and longing for the days when everyone was pretty much guaranteed a job in the factory down the road and the unions ran roughshod over everything. I don't think many young people today look at the public sector with any kind of reverence and think that is where their money should go rather than in their own pockets where they can spend it on products produced by the private sector.


You mean spend it on crap made in China meaning the more Chinese crap they buy the stronger Chinese manufacturing becomes and the less likely the manufacturing jobs will ever come back here. Nice work there duping kids into destroying their own futures.


Let's be honest most kids would rather be working. Most kids would also rather not be having the mickey taken out of them. That's where low paid entry level jobs in industries with union representation served a purpose for decades, provided employment and held communities together.


---------- Post added 01-11-2013 at 11:12 ----------


In a recent BBC radio4 programme The Media Show (I think), the scheduler for BBC comedy shows was interviewed regarding left wing bias on comedy shows.


She freely admitted that there was a difficulty in obtaining balance as there are few, if any, right wing comedians of the quality, for instance, of Jeremy Hardy.


The "haves" (as exemplified by the Tories) have always been lampooned by the "have nots" (as exemplified by Labour). It does not really make any difference.


No one was caricatured more than Thatcher, she was none the less the most effective PM ever.


---------- Post added 01-11-2013 at 10:11 ----------



Most Tory voters are actually far from rabid right wingers, remember the majority of Union members voted for Thatcher.


Most people vote for competence, not for some died in the wool political affiliation. That's why Blair won, not because the public liked him but because the Tories were in disarray and incompetent. They would have voted Brown in but his chronic mismanagement of the economy led inevitably to where we are.


Regarding 2015, despite the Labour party putting up a spirited performance they are perceived as being not fit to govern, Milliband is a poor excuse for a leader and Balls and the rest of the front bench are awful. The Labour women are particularly poor.


If we're honest piggers the least worst party is going to be the one that wins the most seats. They say you can't put a cigarette paper between the parties in terms of policy' the same is also true in terms of competence. All of them are shockingly bad. It's not about how good they are.

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You mean spend it on crap made in China meaning the more Chinese crap they buy the stronger Chinese manufacturing becomes and the less likely the manufacturing jobs will ever come back here. Nice work there duping kids into destroying their own futures.


Let's be honest most kids would rather be working. Most kids would also rather not be having the mickey taken out of them. That's where low paid entry level jobs in industries with union representation served a purpose for decades, provided employment and held communities together.


---------- Post added 01-11-2013 at 11:12 ----------



If we're honest piggers the least worst party is going to be the one that wins the most seats. They say you can't put a cigarette paper between the parties in terms of policy' the same is also true in terms of competence. All of them are shockingly bad. It's not about how good they are.


I have to admit, none of them are very good, but that begs the question, who would want to be a politician? In the past it was something you did after a successful career as a lawyer, doctor or businessman, Union leader etc. Now they seem to go to university, get a job as an advisor, eventually after sucking up to the right people they get a safe seat and off they go. No real experience of life, no experience of earning their living.


They get sucked into the Westminster mafia made up of media types, politicians, and the rest of the dismal hangers on. The downside is they are reviled by the rest of the population.


People generally trusted politicians of all parties up to Blair, he did huge damage to politicians integrity by his profiteering, lying to parliament, focusing on London and the South east to the detriment of the rest of the country.


---------- Post added 01-11-2013 at 11:56 ----------


I think your post and along with your other posts, says it all and gives a clear picture of the type of person you are


My dear old chap, I seem to have upset you, please tell me what I have done and I will attempt to make amends.

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