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Would Ed Miliband win Labour the next general election

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Stop exclusively reading the left wing press. Milibland is the least popular of all the leaders. The UK public will never elect him as PM.


+ Clarkson is thinking of running against him, so there is a chance he would lose his seat anyway.


Clarkson would be popular with a few,granted,but which party would want a petroleum-fueled stick insect in their colours?

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If you think Clarkson would beat Miliband then lobby your beloved Tories to decriminalise hallucogenic drugs and save yourself a few fines.


---------- Post added 01-11-2013 at 19:22 ----------



The Tories couldn't get a majority in 2010 after a completely disasterous Labour government. Labour will poll better next time so I can't see the Tories getting a majority. They need 40% of the vote and Labour to get less than 35%. Labour can get a majority with just 35%. The system will work against the Tories.


Don't see it personally, the Labour party is unchanged and unrepentant. Tarred with the brush of failure, no policies, no apologies, no chance.

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Don't see it personally, the Labour party is unchanged and unrepentant. Tarred with the brush of failure, no policies, no apologies, no chance.


Which doesn't answer the points I made. The Tories need 40%. They only got 35% in a good year. Labour only needs 35%. Those facts are not altered by the Labour Party's leader, policies, history, etc. You can bury your head and stick to wishful thinking but that won't alter the result of the next general election.


Latest opinion poll in the Sun;


Update: Labour lead at 4 - Latest YouGov/The Sun results 31st October - Con 35%, Lab 39%, LD 9%, UKIP 10%.


The UKIP voters on here may put Miliband into Downing Street. Personally I think another hung parliament is likely with Labour the largest party.

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Which doesn't answer the points I made. The Tories need 40%. They only got 35% in a good year. Labour only needs 35%. Those facts are not altered by the Labour Party's leader, policies, history, etc. You can bury your head and stick to wishful thinking but that won't alter the result of the next general election.


Latest opinion poll in the Sun;


Update: Labour lead at 4 - Latest YouGov/The Sun results 31st October - Con 35%, Lab 39%, LD 9%, UKIP 10%.


The UKIP voters on here may put Miliband into Downing Street. Personally I think another hung parliament is likely with Labour the largest party.


I think you are over rating the Milliband factor, he is seen as a joke, can you really see the majority walking into a voting booth and putting their X next to a party lead by this man?

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I think you are over rating the Milliband factor, he is seen as a joke, can you really see the majority walking into a voting booth and putting their X next to a party lead by this man?


Problem is.......Cameron is seen as a joke too. If he plays this as a presidential battle him vs Miliband contest the public will see straight through it. It will be made even worse if Cameron refuses to front up to Farage in a leaders' debate because then Cameron is going to look weak.


Cameron needs something mega. Really mega. Otherwise UKIP will split the Tory vote and Labour will stroll in.

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I think you are over rating the Milliband factor, he is seen as a joke, can you really see the majority walking into a voting booth and putting their X next to a party lead by this man?


No I can't but then again no party gets a majority of the vote these days and Miliband could be PM on 35% of the vote.


Keep ignoring reality.


And it's spelt led.


---------- Post added 02-11-2013 at 18:35 ----------


Cameron needs something mega. Really mega. Otherwise UKIP will split the Tory vote and Labour will stroll in.


I think that come a general election a lot of the UKIP vote will go back to the main parties as people will vote for a potential government. The right-wing loons who post on the Telegraph website and on here may not be bothered about Cameron but the soft UKIP vote will disappear.

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The BBC has always leant left, or at least for the past 40 years or more. It's just a question of how far to the left they lean, and how brave they are to push some of their more controversial opinions. Quite a lot under the Labour government, considerably less so under the current coalition.


Cheer up HH, the lefty biased BBC have got Nigel Farage on Question Time this week. He'll be making his 15th appearance on the programme in four years, more than any other politician.

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Having Farage on QT with a majority left panel and a foaming at the mouth left audience does not make the BBC any less left biased. When they have a majority right panel in front of an audience that is representative of the average British person, then you might be able to say otherwise.

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Problem is.......Cameron is seen as a joke too. If he plays this as a presidential battle him vs Miliband contest the public will see straight through it. It will be made even worse if Cameron refuses to front up to Farage in a leaders' debate because then Cameron is going to look weak.


Cameron needs something mega. Really mega. Otherwise UKIP will split the Tory vote and Labour will stroll in.


Cameron is also scared of tackling Alan Salmon over independence leaving the job to Alex Darling the former chancellor.The trouble with taking on Farage is that the man sounds plausible and knows how to appeal to a deep vein of bigotry running through middle England.

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