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Would Ed Miliband win Labour the next general election

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Having Farage on QT with a majority left panel and a foaming at the mouth left audience does not make the BBC any less left biased. When they have a majority right panel in front of an audience that is representative of the average British person, then you might be able to say otherwise.


I can't find who's on with him yet but he's sure to feel the heat in Boston, Lincolnshire on Thursday. The lefty BBC will no doubt fill the audiance with members of the Polish Anarcho-Syndicalist potato pickers union.

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Cameron is also scared of tackling Alan Salmon over independence leaving the job to Alex Darling the former chancellor.The trouble with taking on Farage is that the man sounds plausible and knows how to appeal to a deep vein of bigotry running through middle England.


So Cameron's strategy is to avoid heavyweight opponents and seek out weaker opponents to make himself look better. That seems a bit like a form of bullying. He needs to be careful given his Bullingdon background.


Problem is that focusing on Miliband and avoiding Farage is going to lose Cameron the election. It's not about votes they can win off Labour but how many they can avoid losing to UKIP.


---------- Post added 03-11-2013 at 12:54 ----------


The BBC will always be able to find lefties in any region. If you just went into Boston and picked people at random from the street it'd be far different to what the audience for QT will be.


Because there are lefties in every region. It's not exactly like looking for a needle in a haystack.

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But Lincolnshire is a right wing region. The BBC should not be allowed to misrepresent the area by packing the QT audience full of lefties.


Can you provide some information on QT audience selection and specifically a policy for overloading the audience with people who have left wing views.


you are probably just imagining it.

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Problem is.......Cameron is seen as a joke too. If he plays this as a presidential battle him vs Miliband contest the public will see straight through it. It will be made even worse if Cameron refuses to front up to Farage in a leaders' debate because then Cameron is going to look weak.


Cameron needs something mega. Really mega. Otherwise UKIP will split the Tory vote and Labour will stroll in.


I think you and others see this competition from a North of England perspective. If Labour win they need to win seats in the South and Midlands, clearly Labour will hold seats in this area, that's a given, a baboon wearing a red rosette will get elected here.


In other areas voters will opt for competence, they will look at the smarmy, clever dick, deniers who inhabit the labour front bench and vote Tory.


Remember they, the Labour party, are the people who bankrupted us, they are the people who backed Blair in his insane and criminal wars, the party who, every time they have left power have left the country skint, they are the enemy within.


---------- Post added 03-11-2013 at 13:25 ----------


Cameron is also scared of tackling Alan Salmon over independence leaving the job to Alex Darling the former chancellor.The trouble with taking on Farage is that the man sounds plausible and knows how to appeal to a deep vein of bigotry running through middle England.


That is unfair to Cameron, as it would be any English Prime Minister, this is a Scottish vote by Scots about Scotland, Alistair Darling is a perfectly adequate spokesman.


Actually, Cameron would be quite happy with a vote for independence, Scotland would cease to be a drag on the rest of the UK and labour would never get in again if only English votes counted.

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But Lincolnshire is a right wing region. The BBC should not be allowed to misrepresent the area by packing the QT audience full of lefties.


Scunthorpe,Lincoln and Grimsby frequently elect Labour MPs and Boston is a hotbed of Democrats.


---------- Post added 03-11-2013 at 13:28 ----------


I think you and others see this competition from a North of England perspective. If Labour win they need to win seats in the South and Midlands, clearly Labour will hold seats in this area, that's a given, a baboon wearing a red rosette will get elected here.


In other areas voters will opt for competence, they will look at the smarmy, clever dick, deniers who inhabit the labour front bench and vote Tory.


Remember they, the Labour party, are the people who bankrupted us, they are the people who backed Blair in his insane and criminal wars, the party who, every time they have left power have left the country skint, they are the enemy within.


---------- Post added 03-11-2013 at 13:25 ----------



That is unfair to Cameron, as it would be any English Prime Minister, this is a Scottish vote by Scots about Scotland, Alistair Darling is a perfectly adequate spokesman.


Actually, Cameron would be quite happy with a vote for independence, Scotland would cease to be a drag on the rest of the UK and labour would never get in again if only English votes counted.


The Conservative (and Unionist}Party exist to preserve the status quo,and do not want separation.

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Scunthorpe,Lincoln and Grimsby frequently elect Labour MPs and Boston is a hotbed of Democrats.


---------- Post added 03-11-2013 at 13:28 ----------



The Conservative (and Unionist}Party exist to preserve the status quo,and do not want separation.


This is not a UK vote, it is a Scottish vote, it should therefore be debated by Scots.


Salmon would love to turn it into an anti English debate, Cameron is not falling for it, nor should he.

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I think you and others see this competition from a North of England perspective. If Labour win they need to win seats in the South and Midlands, clearly Labour will hold seats in this area, that's a given, a baboon wearing a red rosette will get elected here.


In other areas voters will opt for competence, they will look at the smarmy, clever dick, deniers who inhabit the labour front bench and vote Tory.


Remember they, the Labour party, are the people who bankrupted us, they are the people who backed Blair in his insane and criminal wars, the party who, every time they have left power have left the country skint, they are the enemy within.


No, I'm considering the whole country.


Labour will win seats in the South and Midlands and here are two reasons why:


1. UKIP will split the Tory vote more than it splits the Labour vote. UKIP will take votes off both but the Tories will suffer more. A lot more.


2. Labour has a body of latent support amongst people who have been voting LibDem having previously voted Labour. The LibDem lurch to the right will cause a split in their vote and Labour will be the main beneficiary as I think Labour have tracked very slightly to the left enough to tempt some back. It's window dressing but it'll tempt enough back to replenish votes lost to UKIP.


You won't get another Tory government in 2015. A coalition is a slight possibility but that is the best you can hope for.

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Remember they, the Labour party, are the people who bankrupted us, they are the people who backed Blair in his insane and criminal wars, the party who, every time they have left power have left the country skint, they are the enemy within.


Remind us how many of your beloved Tory MPs who voted in favour of Blair's New Labour regime participating in the Iraq War?


Remember they, the Labour party, are the people who bankrupted us, they are the people who backed Blair in his insane and criminal wars, the party who, every time they have left power have left the country skint, they are the enemy within.


Your mob would have done the same. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1562023/Tories-vow-to-match-Labour-spending.html

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