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Would Ed Miliband win Labour the next general election

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Remind us how many of your beloved Tory MPs who voted in favour of Blair's New Labour regime participating in the Iraq War?




Your mob would have done the same. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1562023/Tories-vow-to-match-Labour-spending.html


And don't forget Libya and were gearing up to attack the Syrian government and aid al qaeda before finally backing down.


You got to laugh. The tories always bang the same drum because it's the only one they have i.e. Labour spend someone else's money. Maybe some of the jackboots on here will explain why the tories borrowed more money in 2.5 years of government than in three whole terms under Labour, but still blame Labour for everything?

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Remember they, the Labour party, are .....the people who backed Blair in his insane and criminal wars......


And supported by David Cameron, no less. It's nice of you to admit your beloved DC is insane and criminal.


---------- Post added 03-11-2013 at 16:48 ----------


I'm glad you realize that voting Labour is exactly like voting Conservative.


Which is why I and millions of others between 1997 and 2010 stopped voting Labour. Labour votes fell from about 13 million to 8 million in that time.

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Remind us how many of your beloved Tory MPs who voted in favour of Blair's New Labour regime participating in the Iraq War?




Your mob would have done the same. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1562023/Tories-vow-to-match-Labour-spending.html


The vast majority, after Blair lied through his teeth, remember the 45 minute warning?


When a British Prime Minister tells parliament that the country needs to go to war he should be telling the truth and he should be entitled to support from all sides.


Lies and duplicity come easy to the Labour party, look at what is happening with UNITE, Wilson was a spy, Blair a war criminal, Brown a serial liar.

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The vast majority, after Blair lied through his teeth, remember the 45 minute warning?


When a British Prime Minister tells parliament that the country needs to go to war he should be telling the truth and he should be entitled to support from all sides.


Lies and duplicity come easy to the Labour party, look at what is happening with UNITE, Wilson was a spy, Blair a war criminal, Brown a serial liar.


Cameron should have taken note. If Miliband hadn't taken action we'd have been bombing Syria. And as you know a subsequent peaceful diplomatic solution to the immediate crisis was reached.


Now, remind us who the opposition was when Blair went to war. And remind us how much opposition they actually put up.

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Either way, remember this sequence (as it'll be vital in understanding the next few years in the UK):

1. EU election May 2014.

2. Scottish Referendum 18 September 2014.

3. General Election May 2015.


Items 1 and 2 will have a major effect on item 3.


Item 2 might well have an effect.


Item 1 is just silly season. It is an opportunity for everyone to register a protest vote, in advance of the main event in 2015.


Whisper it Jeff... UKIP aren't really very important. They are even less important than the SNP.

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Cameron should have taken note. If Miliband hadn't taken action we'd have been bombing Syria. And as you know a subsequent peaceful diplomatic solution to the immediate crisis was reached.


Now, remind us who the opposition was when Blair went to war. And remind us how much opposition they actually put up.


"a subsequent diplomatic solution to the immediate crisis was reached" tell that to the people now starving, denied medical assistance and butchered daily.


The people of Syria have been betrayed, by Obama, Milliband and anyone else who has been prepared to stand by whilst innocents are slaughtered. It would have been easy to confine Syrian government planes to the ground, to stop their missiles flying.


Milliband saw his opportunity and took it, political opportunism of the worst kind, backed by spineless Tories, muddled Lib Dems and Labour hypocrisy. Cameron will be seen, historically, on this topic if no other, as a man of principle surrounded by jackals.


Regarding the Iraq vote, why cannot you understand that Blair lied to Parliament? What difficulty do you have in understanding that since time immemorial when a British Prime Minister, of any party, get to his feet and in effect, declares war it is the tradition and duty of the Parliament to support him?


This being the case you cannot criticize those, of all parties, who took Blair at his word. Hindsight is easy, the decision to support, at the time it was made, was right. No one knew that our PM was a war criminal, that his lies would lead to the deaths of 500,000 Iraquis.

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"a subsequent diplomatic solution to the immediate crisis was reached" tell that to the people now starving, denied medical assistance and butchered daily.


The people of Syria have been betrayed, by Obama, Milliband and anyone else who has been prepared to stand by whilst innocents are slaughtered. It would have been easy to confine Syrian government planes to the ground, to stop their missiles flying.


Milliband saw his opportunity and took it, political opportunism of the worst kind, backed by spineless Tories, muddled Lib Dems and Labour hypocrisy. Cameron will be seen, historically, on this topic if no other, as a man of principle surrounded by jackals.


Regarding the Iraq vote, why cannot you understand that Blair lied to Parliament? What difficulty do you have in understanding that since time immemorial when a British Prime Minister, of any party, get to his feet and in effect, declares war it is the tradition and duty of the Parliament to support him?


This being the case you cannot criticize those, of all parties, who took Blair at his word. Hindsight is easy, the decision to support, at the time it was made, was right. No one knew that our PM was a war criminal, that his lies would lead to the deaths of 500,000 Iraquis.


There you see the difference. Blair went to parliament and convinced most people. Cameron convinced hardly anyone. A tale of two leaders. One who won three elections outright and one who has never won an election outright.

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