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Would Ed Miliband win Labour the next general election

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And don't forget Libya and were gearing up to attack the Syrian government and aid al qaeda before finally backing down.


You got to laugh. The tories always bang the same drum because it's the only one they have


Actually it's the only one they need to bang, because it works so well. Labour Govt is great until it runs out of other peoples money.


Maybe some of the jackboots on here


Can't resist getting a bit of abuse in I see... Tell you what, when you answer your outstanding questions I'll answer the ones you posed chuck.


---------- Post added 08-11-2013 at 00:41 ----------


Lies and duplicity come easy to the Labour party, look at what is happening with UNITE, Wilson was a spy Blair a war criminal, Brown a serial liar.


No he wasn't - Peter Wright retracted his claims and the intelligence services investigated Wilson thoroughly and found no reason to suspect him. Golitsyn was a most unreliable source of things.

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Actually it's the only one they need to bang, because it works so well. Labour Govt is great until it runs out of other peoples money.


So here we go again, then. Yes Labour always have to spend heavily after replacing a tory government simply to get the country up and running again after the tories run the entire economy into the ground will all the cuts they impose. So what's the tories excuse for borrowing more money in 2.5 years of government than in three whole terms under Labour? With all these cuts and such, just where is all that borrowed money going? Are they saving it to perhaps bribe voters with at election time?

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Would Ed Miliband win Labour the next general election


Of course he will giving us four more years of Tory Government.


Four? You're really up to date, aren't you?


---------- Post added 08-11-2013 at 06:30 ----------


....Wilson was a spy, Blair a war criminal......


Do you also still believe the Zinoviev letter? Do you also still forget the role the Tories played in the Iraq war?

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Wilson was a spy, Blair a war criminal, Brown a serial liar.


I've only ever once come across another forumer barmy enough to claim Wilson was a spy. Guess who that was?


Wilson was a Russian spy. He was under surveillance by the intelligence services all through his political life. Whilst he was PM this country reached its lowest point. IMF bail out, unions running rampant.
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. . . . .with this talk of war criminals flying around.

If seen with 2013 goggles, the biggest war criminals of all , those who had the biggest body count . . . were the Donkeys leading the Lions in the First World War.

The political divide in those days was perfectly clear and we all know who did the leading and who did the dying.

Lest we forget - wear your poppy with pride.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

5 months ago:

The Front National currently owns French politics and voting intentions, they're predicted to wipe the floor at the forthcoming municipal and European elections, with close to 25% of the entire voting corpus - far ahead of the 2 main (centrish-) 'right' and 'left' parties.
The first round of the municipal elections was yesterday:

Hollande hit by National Front vote in municipal elections

France’s far-right National Front (FN) stunned President François Hollande’s socialist government in nationwide municipal elections on Sunday, attracting a surge of support in mayoral races in large parts of the country.


The FN, led by the charismatic Marine Le Pen, won outright its first mayoral seat since 1995 and appeared well placed to gain other towns in run-off votes next Sunday.




But UMP gains were overshadowed by the FN’s breakthrough. The populist party won the northern town of Hénin-Beaumont, a former industrial centre it had long targeted, in Sunday’s first round of voting, easily unseating the socialist incumbent.

Predictable (and predicted-) result. And it will get worse.
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