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Buy shares or put extra to my mortgage?

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Well let us look at British trade figures, what we export is going down, as manufacturing becomes an endangered species. So we are talking service industries, or to put it another way, we all becomes parasites, feeding off each other as the money supply between us diminishes.


Then ther are the wizzards, the financial industry, that create products, that people do not want but end up buying thanks to strong arm practices. That is a growth area, as the fines are a fraction of the money extracted, and the suckers wait years for their money back, so a good investment there.


Then do not forget fracking, but don't keep you money in there too long, as its a long term con, like nuclear, we have to pay to clear up the mess.


Then there is the weapons/war industry, and we sell to anyone, let them kill is the motto, its the democratic way, and that looks good with wars kicking off all over Africa thanks to the Libyans being given hundreds of tons of weapons for nowt.


Syria and Iran are countries we want to regime change, not Saudi Arabia the beheading nations and other regional tyrants we love to flog weapons to, so not a bad bet there.


Then there is paying your debt off, and the interest rates rise when the benefit scroungers, the disabled, and the rest sponging are forced to work for their money bread and water. They will obviously put a lot of foreigners out of work, as well as long term residents, but when the part timers, who are seen as working full time through government figures drops to that magic percentage,( figures fiddled of course) then your borrowing rates go up. I remember when I was paying 17% interest on my house, and talk about running to stay put!


So what do you think might happen over the next 3 years, and its all a gamble, but I have given you a few clues.

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Well let us look at British trade figures, what we export is going down, as manufacturing becomes an endangered species. .





The FT doesn't agree with you..


Neither the Telegraph


"Between 2010 and 2012, UK sales of manufactured goods to China were up 40pc; to Brazil they were up by a quarter; to Russia they rose more than 60pc and to Indonesia were up by more than half."


We are exporting more now than in 2010



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The UK's biggest exports are medical and petroleum products. Other export products are civilian aircraft engines, materials handling equipment, alcoholic beverages, telecommunications equipment, computer accessories, precious metals other than gold.



Manufacturing only accounts for around 11% of total valued added of what's produced in Britain, while the service sector accounts for over three-quarters of the economy.



We are doing well?????





The following is an extract from the BBC




The trade data showed that export volumes in the three months to the end of September fell by 4.6%, while imports rose by 1.3%.


The latest figures suggest trade held back economic growth in the third quarter of this year, when the economy grew by 0.8%, according to the first estimate from the ONS.


Martin Beck, UK economist at Capital Economics, said: "September's UK trade figures show that an imbalance between domestic and overseas demand continues to characterise the UK economy... The trade picture over a longer time-frame remains disappointing."


David Kern, chief economist at the British Chambers of Commerce, said: "The UK is not doing enough to plug the export gap and rebalance our economy towards net exports."


The ONS said the downward revision to the construction data would have "no effect" on the preliminary estimate of third quarter growth. The construction sector accounts for about 6.3% of the UK's economy.


The ONS figures showed that activity in homebuilding had increased by 13.6% during the 12 months to September, while construction overall had increased by 5.8%.


Jeremy Cook, chief economist at World First, said: "We can expect that the ongoing demand for housing will continue to increase construction output... and I would hope that civil engineering prospects, as well as those of a commercial nature, can mirror the gains seen in homebuilding."

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From today's Financial pages:


"Britain is still not exporting or investing anywhere near enough. We imported £30 billion more goods than we sold abroad in the third quarter of this year.

Business investment is still more than 20% below its pre-recession peak - expenditure on plant and machinery has fared the worse, down 35% - and productivity remains curiously poor."

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From today's Financial pages:


"Britain is still not exporting or investing anywhere near enough. We imported £30 billion more goods than we sold abroad in the third quarter of this year.

Business investment is still more than 20% below its pre-recession peak - expenditure on plant and machinery has fared the worse, down 35% - and productivity remains curiously poor."


Did you look at the charts I posted above?

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Sometimes the reality we live in, tends to contradict the reality we are told we live in, and you obviously are getting more money today that before possibly like the MP's. Your friends are all wealthy, living off the backs of the less educated, which is the way to exploit, letting the tax payer pay their rend, as its trebles all round.


I saw a 2 houses in auction, with the asking price of 10K, the bricks all hand made were worth more than that, and is that the idea of prosperity? Back to the mid 1990's???


Where is this prosperity being generated outside the banking world, where insider trading and fraud is the only way they know? The financial business is booming and we all pay for it, every minute of every day, those parasites defraud someone, so that is growth???? Selling weapons to dictators like the oil rich, so they can suppress their own is good is it? Corporations using the country as a back door into Europe, where all the profits go into tax havens, apart from the pay of the slaves is prosperity is it?


Is Sheffield council employing more, or selling out to corporate grabs?


Is the NHS flush with cash as its boom time again or is is cuts and more cuts while the prosperity goes where exactly??? Keep taking the tabloid media, you love the lies, it makes people feel good while the rest go down the drain.

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Sometimes the reality we live in, tends to contradict the reality we are told we live in, and you obviously are getting more money today that before possibly like the MP's. Your friends are all wealthy, living off the backs of the less educated, which is the way to exploit, letting the tax payer pay their rend, as its trebles all round.



Is this bit aimed at me personally or is it just a general rant...? I'm only asking because you posted straight after my post.....

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