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If Scotland was independent..

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...... then could the rest of the UK do something about this ridiculous 5 months of imposed evening darkness we have to put up with every year? Personally I'd love to see Scotland try and go it's own way for the entertainment value alone, but more seriously if they b******d off could the rest of the UK address the whole BST/GMT question?



What do you think?

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Personally I wouldn't mind sticking with BST all year, except we'd then be 2 hrs out of step with mainland Europe instead of 1 hour, in winter. Could have business implications I suppose. Can't see the French agreeing to change as well.

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Personally I wouldn't mind sticking with BST all year, except we'd then be 2 hrs out of step with mainland Europe instead of 1 hour, in winter. Could have business implications I suppose. Can't see the French agreeing to change as well.


I don't see why we can't have BST and GMT but is there any need for GMT to go on for so long? Couldn't we go GMT from about mid Nov, until early Feb, which would make far more sense in terms of the spread of daylight.

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I don't see why we can't have BST and GMT but is there any need for GMT to go on for so long? Couldn't we go GMT from about mid Nov, until early Feb, which would make far more sense in terms of the spread of daylight.


Lets be truthful, we've had the system we've got years why change it? we've all been kids & adults & managed with dark nights & dark mornings.

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GMT is the proper time zone for the UK (and France, Spain...), it means 12pm is mid day, as it should be.


If we had BST in winter it'd be dark when the kids are going to school & cause more road deaths, it's been tried, dark mornings are more dangerous.


BST is a stupid idea, imo, there's no reason for it.


... I got the accident figures backwards, there were less accidents when it was tried, but it coincided with the drink drive ban, so the stats aren't really clear.


Still, it's disrupting a scientific standard & you could get the same results just by changing working & school hours.

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Lets be truthful, we've had the system we've got years why change it? we've all been kids & adults & managed with dark nights & dark mornings.


Yeah and they managed with horse and carts in your day, why did they invent bloody cars!


What's the point in moving on?!

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Yeah and they managed with horse and carts in your day, why did they invent bloody cars!


What's the point in moving on?!


What's the point in having mid day at 1pm rather than 12pm? Is that what you call progress?


It makes more sense to use GMT so that 12 is mid day with roughly equal amounts of daylight either side.

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