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White House says more intelligence constraints needed

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All this that has come out about phone tapping, and America listening to 60m calls a month in Spain makes me wonder if ALL our phones are being monitored & everything we do is being looked at.


I don't mean for security either, just big brother come to life.

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Step 1. Apologize.

Step 2. Launch an investigation.

Step 3. Wait until it's all died down.

Step 4. Business as usual (but be more discrete about bugging foreign leaders).


Political answer to every problem. Set up a pointless "inquiry" which costs lots of money and takes years (providing jobs & overtime for cronies of the culprits) whilst everyone forgets what happened then publish a report/make a speech which ends in the phrase "lessons have been learnt".


But are these spying revelations really shocking or surprising in any way and how much difference has it made to your life?

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None at all. I doubt anyone has the slightest interest in the rubbish I post on the forum or even any of the other contributions which for the most part range from complaining about the government's latest budget cuts to the price of fish down at the market


---------- Post added 29-10-2013 at 23:01 ----------


Sharing a rude joke, discussing family problems, lifestyle choices and other things said in chit chat is very important to a spying organisation as the Stazi found out, exploited and used successfully,. hence the interest of western "security" agencies after the fall of the Berlin wall.


If on the other hand you are in business and communication of tests, results, problems, experiments etc are naturally of commercial use to specific industries.


Politicians life's from childhood, schooling and other interests can be used against them, thus blackmail should be seen as a tool, a way of threatening to "influence" decision making.


So such prattle as this is fine today, but the fact one comments on such subjects in the future could be seen, used and exploited against the person, to influence their employment, access to family health such as needing surgery or specialist help, and much more, as they are by definition potentially subversive, thus a danger to national security.


Today it s about US corporations gaining direct information about competitors, influencing access to corporate expansion into foreign nations and much more.


having nothing to hide is therefore a joke, as gossip about people, can help build up a picture of the individual and the target too, and interconnections between people can also be exploited if necessary.


The trouble is its so easy to threaten people, make them do things they normally could never dream of doing, for an authority if their family is threatened in any way, or family members are in immediate need of medical attention.


So please tell all, as you all have nothing to hide it seems, and nothing you say could in any way suggest you ever being a target for security interests.


I'll bet they dont even have any interest in your endless wafflings which must be a blow to your ego

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