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Rock Tots-a group for active baby/toddler/preschoolers

Rachel B

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This summer I started a new parent/carers & baby/toddler/preschoolers group called Rock Tots.


I wanted to let you know a bit more about what we offer ...


It is a group for parents/carers (we have lots of dads, grandparents and childminders come) with active tots aged anywhere from 0-5.


The sessions help promote confidence, coordination and balance in a fun and active way.


It is held at the Mini Climbing Works on a Thursdays and Tuesday mornings 10:15 - 12 but you can stay and climb for as long as you like. We hope to be offering some after school and other session times soon.



For any new members of The Climbing Works, there is a free induction that starts at 10 am. We kick off the session at 10:15 with some warm up games. It is then time to climb, play and have drinks and snacks. This is followed by active singing and dancing, then for the skills games element of the session.


Our six week skills games schedule incorporates; dynamic movement, balance, movement initiation, coordination, flexibility and sequence recollection.


The price of a session is £6 for one adult and up to two under fives, this includes the free induction (if you need it) and some snacks and drinks. Adults can also come back any time that day or evening and climb for free.


We have rolling program so you can join the sessions whenever you wish.


You can become a Rock Tots regular by signing up for the month, this then holds your place or you can just come to a one off taster session to check it out.


We run throughout the holidays.


We also do Rock Tots parties.


Please get in contact for more info.


Many thanks,



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  • 7 months later...

We are still going strong so it would be lovely if you could make it to a session. We are hoping to add another session come the autumn. It will be after school for slightly old children from 3-6 year. I will post more when things have been finalised.

If you would like any more info please see our website http://www.rocktots.net or our facebook page http://www.facebook.com/rocktotsgroup.

Or just contact me on here.

Many thanks. Rachel

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