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No, work = no life = starve to death or riots?

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The US has a food stamp system who’s budget is to be reduced by $5 billion starting in 1st November. The average benefit will shrink and the overall number of people receiving it will diminish by millions. .At the moment around 45 million people get food stamps.

It appears that families face the prospect of losing a whole week’s worth of food every month.


The Republicans are going to limit the benefits for able-bodied, childless adults aged 18 to 50, with the critics stating that employment options are scarce across the country, which will virtually let people starve.


Another bill being passed would restrict states' abilities to determine a person's eligibility for food stamps based in part on whether they qualify for other low-income benefits, The Washington Post reported.


Just as well we are not subject to such social engineering innit!!!!

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The US has a food stamp system who’s budget is to be reduced by $5 billion starting in 1st November. The average benefit will shrink and the overall number of people receiving it will diminish by millions. .At the moment around 45 million people get food stamps.

It appears that families face the prospect of losing a whole week’s worth of food every month.


The Republicans are going to limit the benefits for able-bodied, childless adults aged 18 to 50, with the critics stating that employment options are scarce across the country, which will virtually let people starve.


Another bill being passed would restrict states' abilities to determine a person's eligibility for food stamps based in part on whether they qualify for other low-income benefits, The Washington Post reported.


Just as well we are not subject to such social engineering innit!!!!


I'm surprised Obama let that one go. Also surprised a democrat led Senate let it go through as well. When was this passed?

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Whats wrong you've run out of things to moan about in the country so you've started to look over there?


Couldn't care less, it's a tiny little problem in America that won't effect us one little bit.


The world continues to turn.


It will 'effect' the people who have to go hungry. America is in decline and so is the West. Have you seen the pictures of Detroit? Other cities are on the verge of going bankrupt too.You really think the USA economy doesn't impact on us? China is the new Daddy.

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The US has a food stamp system who’s budget is to be reduced by $5 billion starting in 1st November. The average benefit will shrink and the overall number of people receiving it will diminish by millions. .At the moment around 45 million people get food stamps.

It appears that families face the prospect of losing a whole week’s worth of food every month.


The Republicans are going to limit the benefits for able-bodied, childless adults aged 18 to 50, with the critics stating that employment options are scarce across the country, which will virtually let people starve.


Another bill being passed would restrict states' abilities to determine a person's eligibility for food stamps based in part on whether they qualify for other low-income benefits, The Washington Post reported.


Just as well we are not subject to such social engineering innit!!!!


USA has much land that could be subsistence farmed.

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Let them eat cake ... remember that doozy?


This saying is often attributed to Marie Antoinette.The story appears in Rousseau's "Confessions". These were published when MA was 14 and had not yet come to France.

Still, it made good propaganda, didn't it! Rousseau doesn't identify the speaker, other than as "a great princess"; he might even have invented it himself.

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Food stamps as we know them today began in 1964 [LINK].


How did America avoid riots and starvation before then?




Here's how bad our situation really is -- we already have approximately $11 trillion in total liabilities, including public debt. To this amount, you need to add the current unfunded obligations for social security benefits of about $7 trillion. Then add Medicare's unfunded promises, $34 trillion, of which about $26 trillion relates to Medicare parts A and B and about $8 trillion relates to Medicare part D, the new prescription drug benefit which some claimed would save money in overall Medicare costs. Add another trillion dollars of mis miscellaneous items, and you get $53 trillion.


Our country would need $53 trillion invested today, which is about $175,000 per person, to deliver on government's obligations and promises. How much of this $53 trillion do we have? Zip.


By the time today's college graduates are ready to retire, 40 years from now, the only things our government will be able to pay for are interest on the Federal debt and some social security, Medicare, Medicaid benefits. All other parts of the Federal government will be closed and out of business.

I.O.U.S.A. [2008]


The "bite size" version of I.O.U.S.A. can be found



In the 5 years since that documentary was made, US debt has skyrocketed.


Unfunded obligations = stuff you have to pay out on but for which you have f**k all money.

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