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Welcome to your economic future, if you are employed that is

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1917 it was. I can't see a revolution happening any time in the near future, but I don't see the current system as sustainable either.


The future has already been made pretty much clear. As new technologies develop and older ones become redundant the average worker in years to come will have to change his'/her job at least twice or even more during their working life and be willing to retrain in new skills. Good jobs will also likley to remain competetive and education and skills ever more necessary.


Anyone dreaming of a permanent well paying job demanding lower levels of education and demanding less skills is just day dreaming

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Good thread.


Wildcat strikes are needed. People need to unionise and organise strikes. Especially people on zero hour contacts.


With nothing to lose, you have everything to gain. Fight for your rights, don't be afraid of jail, there are minimum space standards and you get 3 meals a day, many workers get less than that now.


Surely the public should show support for workers by boycotting businesses that resort to such methods.

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What do you do about the uneducatable?


Everybody unless mentally challenged is educatable. If they lack ambition and no desire to take education seriously then there are jobs for janitors, floor scrubbers and dishwashers. Society doesn't owe these people a king's ransom in pay and benefits. A person's worth are the skills and knowledge they bring to a job. That's the way it's always been


---------- Post added 31-10-2013 at 02:16 ----------


Allow them to live on benefits as long as they toe the line and do not cause trouble. And most importantly of all, as long as they do not breed.


Breeding a whole new class of layabouts? Better to make them do some kind of community work 30 hours a week in return for benefits. Cleaning up graffiti, picking up trash would be a start

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It is gratifying to here the sadistic contempt people have towards others less fortunate than themselves. The overwhelming sense that the Nazis despite their bad press did address social problems such as unemployment and those for whatever reason did not work.


Contribute or die appears to be the song sung by those clamoring for such social enforcements, although they tip-toe around their motivations, it is clear what they think is a final solution

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Angard, Royal Mail, first wildcat strike in this country in 80 years


Really? The first wildcat strike since 1933. Really?


Or do you think that it's the year 2060 or some such date?


---------- Post added 02-11-2013 at 12:04 ----------


Chem1st, quick question mate what do you do for a job?


I think he cashes a giro once a fortnight. :D

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the explosion of zero-hour contract workers, temporary workers and the insecure self-employed. This new type of employment in favour of employers is aided Government assault on industrial tribunals so that Trade Unions can always be defeated, and are completely powerless, if not irrelevant.



If zero hour contracts are so good, why aren't employers and MPs on them?

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