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Should We Bring in Birching?

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No to Birching barbaric

Auto matic 5 years for possecion of a knife

10 years for carring a fire arm]

as for places open up these closed down ex army camps ( i/e Lindholme worked)

in most places better accomadation than some of the prison ( they were good enough for the service people ) and also living accommadation for staff,


AS for staff offer it to the lads coming out of the services a few ex w.o staff /sgt would do a lot of good to these offenders


also none violent people could be moved from prisons to make space for offenders

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---------- Post added 31-10-2013 at 17:12 ----------



No to Birching barbaric

Auto matic 5 years for possecion of a knife

10 years for carring a fire arm]

as for places open up these closed down ex army camps ( i/e Lindholme worked)

in most places better accomadation than some of the prison ( they were good enough for the service people ) and also living accommadation for staff,


AS for staff offer it to the lads coming out of the services a few ex w.o staff /sgt would do a lot of good to these offenders


also none violent people could be moved from prisons to make space for offenders


Ah so you advocate chucking pardons about, they're in prison for breaking our laws no matter what they've done. Sorry mate but what you advocate shows just why there is so much gun & knife crime in Britain, we have to be hard on them.


Too many young kids killed by knives in London, and now it seems Sheffield; they have to get ultra tough with them.

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As I keep pointing out, you can't compare because each State is different.


If you look at the stats here:




The State with the lowest murder rate is New Hampshire, where they still have the death penalty, therefore using your logic the death penalty must be working as a deterrent there.


No. That would be using your logic - not mine. As I said, different social conditions are likely to be responsible for the rates of crime.


But your point is that not having a "deterrent" like capitol punishment makes crime worse. The stats show the opposite of that:



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No. That would be using your logic - not mine. As I said, different social conditions are likely to be responsible for the rates of crime.


But your point is that not having a "deterrent" like capitol punishment makes crime worse. The stats show the opposite of that:




Lets face it the only reason we don't have capitol/capital punishment is because the MP's get to vote on it, were it offered in a referendum you'd see it brought back with probably record turn outs at polls.

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We are way, way too soft on crime in this country and until sentences that do reflect the crime are handed out, people will carry on. I take it you[Jmack] were never caned at school or copped a clip off a bobby, or a teacher; that's why today's youth are such arrogant pillocks that show no respect to ANYBODY.


I'd reintroduce birching and any corporal punishment deemed necessary &, capital punishment as well.


Yes. I agree. It's all Jmack's fault :D



Just to add, when I was an infant, I was severely beaten twice by a teacher at school. Once for putting two fingers through the hole in a plastic chair (she thought I was giving the two finger salute). And the second time for doing as she asked: to draw a flag of a foreign country(not knowing any better I drew the Swastika thinking it was the German flag).


It never deterred me from drawing the Swastika or swearing later in life.

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The fondness of corporal punishment that some people demonstrate on this forum is weird. Is almost like they like the fought of caning people. :roll::roll:


No it's talking from experience of caning, I've never been in trouble, never been out of work, brought my kids up right but, I grew up with the cane & a clip round lughole did me no harm. I doubt you ever encountered it at school, so have limited or no experience of it.

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No. That would be using your logic - not mine. As I said, different social conditions are likely to be responsible for the rates of crime.


But your point is that not having a "deterrent" like capitol punishment makes crime worse. The stats show the opposite of that:




The stats can't be taken in isolation, so they actually prove nothing.


You can only compare like for like to get a true comparison.


State A before death penalty = x murders per 100,000 population

State A after death penalty = y murders per 100,000 population.


If y > x then that may suggest the death penalty doesn't work as a deterrent, but even then you still have to consider other factors (ie. Changes in social conditions).


The point is that just because your original link suggests there are more murders in States with the death penalty, that doesn't mean the death penalty is not acting as a deterrent, there are far too many other factors to consider as you now seem to be agreeing (ie. Social conditions).


I'm afraid we'll just have to agree to disagree. Some people agree with the death penalty and some don't....There's no right or wrong answer.





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The fondness of corporal punishment that some people demonstrate on this forum is weird. Is almost like they like the fought of caning people. :roll::roll:


people who get off on corporal punishment will never be in the same room as my daughter if I have owt to do with it.

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people who get off on corporal punishment will never be in the same room as my daughter if I have owt to do with it.


Frank people don't get off on it, I personally advocate it as this country has gone to the dogs. No offence mate doubt I'd ever need to find myself in a room with your lovely daughter. The reason I know she's lovely, she's you're daughter and all men when you speak to them have lovely daughters, I have 2 personally.




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where on the child's body should the cane or slipper be administered and by whom. caning, birching etc were a form of sexual humiliation. if someone did that to my child, I'd put them in hospital.

I can honestly say I never felt sexual humiliation when I was being smacked on the arse with a cane.


---------- Post added 31-10-2013 at 17:55 ----------


That's far too black and white.


When I was a youngster I got caught stealing by my parents and my Dad smacked me with his belt......I never did it ever again.


Nearly all my friends got smacked by their parents at one time or another and all have grown up to be well adjusted individuals, most with very good jobs either here or abroad.


My Dad always says it probably upset him more than it did me to do it, but he felt it was needed to make me learn. I look back and I have nothing but respect for my parents and the way they brought me up. I never get into trouble with the law and like to think I show respect to others and have good manners....That's thanks to my parents.


Maybe some form of physical punishment doesn't work for all, but it certainly taught me and my childhood friends right from wrong.






Completely agree.

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