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Should We Bring in Birching?

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cos they're all fraudulent and lead to people not seeking real medical help whilst milking the vulnerable of their cash - I recently spoke to a chiropracter who reckons he can cure asthma by manipulating my spine. should be in prison in my humble opinion.


I visit a Osteopath for my spine why? because all my GP has ever done is said 'take an ibuprofen and lie down' I had a slipped disc for heavens sake, the Osteopath got me walking again whereas the GP did sweet BA


Maybe GP's should be means tested and added to this list.


If you believe Asthma can be cured by a Chiropractor then you are foolish. Chiropractors and Osteopaths are similar but not the same!

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It doesn't bring back the victim though.


I suggest the problem needs tackling at source and that means discouraging from carrying knives in the first place. If we can do that, then maybe we can stop some of the senseless waste that takes place in the heat of a moment when a kid carrying a knife decides to use it.


I personally think we need more stop and search and some form of punishment for those found carrying knives. I suggested birching as an option because the prisons are full, but if somebody can come up with a better idea that will discourage people from carrying knives I'm all for that....Maybe national service for those found carrying.....Instill some discipline into them.






Well there is a better way.....put them in a cell with the relatives of the victim for 5 minutes!!!

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That's what I said. Capital punishment doesn't work. Glad you agree. :)


No you didn't, you said it doesn't work, and you can't know that it doesn't work, all you do know is that it doesn't work for some people, whilst it might work for significantly more people than it doesn't work for.

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all you do know is that it doesn't work for some people, whilst it might work for significantly more people than it doesn't work for.

This is turning into a real mountain of gibberish. It does work, for some people, and it doesn't work, for some people, and we cannot know what some people who it doesn't work for does work ... or doesn't.


Let's move back into the real world of plain English. :)


In states where capital punishment is used, there is no evidence that they have lower crime rates. Thus, capital punishment isn't a deterrent.


I shall go to bed after that wonderfully crafted statement. Night.

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This is turning into a real mountain of gibberish. It does work, for some people, and it doesn't work, for some people, and we cannot know what some people who it doesn't work for does work ... or doesn't.


Let's move back into the real world of plain English. :)


In states where capital punishment is used, there is no evidence that they have lower crime rates. Thus, capital punishment isn't a deterrent.


I shall go to bed after that wonderfully crafted statement. Night.


Clearly not for the people that commit crime, but you can't know that it doesn't deter the people that don't commit crime. Your logic is seriously flawed.

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what offences would you use it for doom? if I favoured it, I'd thrash for -

- speeding - kills many people a year.

- tax fraud - it's strangling our economy.

- parking near schools - puts children's lives at risk.

- drunk driving - with a new 0% alcohol limit.

- any racially aggravated offence, along with prison sentence.

- allowing a dog to be out of control, especially if it's a known aggressive breed.

- homeopathy, acupuncture, spiritualism etc




this is what you get in singapore :gag:it does have a tendency to put you off re offending


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this is what you get in singapore :gag:it does have a tendency to put you off re offending



If that was the punishment for carrying a knife or a gun, I'm sure most youngsters would soon stop carrying them.


It does come across as barbaric, but plunging a knife into someone and killing them is even more barbaric.





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If that was the punishment for carrying a knife or a gun, I'm sure most youngsters would soon stop carrying them.


It does come across as barbaric, but plunging a knife into someone and killing them is even more barbaric.






I"ve just spent a couple of months working in japan and singapore the safest cleanest countrys I've ever been in,its safe to walk anywhwere at night time teenage's give you respect ,they'll try and help you if they see you in trouble .

punishment as a deterrent seems to be working over there

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