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Should We Bring in Birching?

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I happen to know a fair bit about both (respective penal systems of Turkey and France), so can I please ask you for some evidence of this comparison?


oh gawd loob - I can, but I'll have to trawl through notes, give me a bit of time.


out of interest, genuinely, why do you know about the cjs of turkey and france? my knowledge is based on an MA in applied criminology, are you similarly minded loob?

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oh gawd loob - I can, but I'll have to trawl through notes, give me a bit of time.

out of interest, genuinely, why do you know about the cjs of turkey and france? my knowledge is based on an MA in applied criminology, are you similarly minded loob?
Nothing so formal.


On the french side, legal qualification there (Licence - basically, half a Law Degree), a few run-ins over the years in which I always self-represented, some assistance to friends in need, and acres of news/reports/in-depth articles about criminal stats, sentencing and incarceration conditions in the french press (prisoners' conditions is an important topic there these days, has been a while after a BIG spate of suicides 3 or so years ago), which I read just about every day.


On the turkish side, lots of discussions about their CJS with Turkish friends and their families (which include policemen) in Altinkum over the last few years, and again many additional factual tidbits about Turkish CJS gleaned here and there in the above-referred (French-) news/reports/in-depth articles. I've long found it fascinating, how much 'safer' I've felt whenever out and about in Turkey at all hours, compared to many places in France and the UK, so part and parcel of looking for answers.


The EU could learn a thing or two out of Turkey's CJS and prisons (or, well...'unlearn', depending how you view it :D). The reoffending rate there speaks for itself. Not many incarcerated Turks ever fancy a 2nd round.

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Sorry tfh, not with you yet...how is that connected to my post? :confused:


Alright, did I just miss a sarky point that went right over my head? :blush:


Nothing as clever I'm afraid. I was just sort of illustrating how unliberal we are compared with other countries where we jam up our court system with people who own a telly without a license.

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Something needs to be introduced to put thugs off thinking about harming innocent people.


I've always been ' FOR ' the return of both corporal and capital punishment, if the thugs carrying out these crimes ( using knives, shooting..........murders) were going to get what they deserved, they would have second thoughts about committing the crime.


Prison sentences.......forget it....... might as well just book them in to Butlins.

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Something needs to be introduced to put thugs off thinking about harming innocent people.


I've always been ' FOR ' the return of both corporal and capital punishment, if the thugs carrying out these crimes ( using knives, shooting..........murders) were going to get what they deserved, they would have second thoughts about committing the crime.


Prison sentences.......forget it....... might as well just book them in to Butlins.


But people who commit crime don't think they'll get caught do they?

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Nothing so formal.


On the french side, legal qualification there (Licence - basically, half a Law Degree), a few run-ins over the years in which I always self-represented, some assistance to friends in need, and acres of news/reports/in-depth articles about criminal stats, sentencing and incarceration conditions in the french press (prisoners' conditions is an important topic there these days, has been a while after a BIG spate of suicides 3 or so years ago), which I read just about every day.


On the turkish side, lots of discussions about their CJS with Turkish friends and their families (which include policemen) in Altinkum over the last few years, and again many additional factual tidbits about Turkish CJS gleaned here and there in the above-referred (French-) news/reports/in-depth articles. I've long found it fascinating, how much 'safer' I've felt whenever out and about in Turkey at all hours, compared to many places in France and the UK, so part and parcel of looking for answers.


The EU could learn a thing or two out of Turkey's CJS and prisons (or, well...'unlearn', depending how you view it :D). The reoffending rate there speaks for itself. Not many incarcerated Turks ever fancy a 2nd round.

that's really interesting, must introduce you some of the comparative students l00b! as you obviously know, but others might not, euro countries are very loathe to imprison people (quite rightly - it costs a fortune and doesn't work) - turkey bangs em up almost like the US. france is safer than turkey.


like youself, I've travelled in both & tourist safety is great. It's a different story when it comes to living there, domestic physical and sexual violence is rife in turkey, not a good place to be a woman & that is a major indicator of violent crime. turkish thieves are filling up prisons, along with political dissidents, but wife and child beaters are still at home getting on with it, that's the problem with prison policy - the wrong ones (shoplifters, druggies, mentally ill) end up in there whereas the real life screwers (wife beaters, child hurters, bullies) never do.


good to communicate loob x

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Here we go again!............lets turn the thread into a different subject to suit the posters leftie ideology.


Perhaps we should turn the discussion to the most effective means of roasting testicles over a lively brazier.


I wonder which would cause the miscreant the most pain-protracted exposure to glowing embers or the short, sharp shock of a roaring flame? Hmm, my heart goes out to the mediaeval torturers, bloody hard work that.


---------- Post added 30-10-2013 at 21:19 ----------




There have obviously been a number of awful murders committed in Sheffield in the last few months, most of them involving knives.


Is it time the police carried out more stop and searches to try and find those carrying knives without a good reason (ie. For work)?


Instead of a slap on the wrist for those found carrying, would birching or something similar prove to be a suitable deterrent?


I don’t know the answer, but feel something needs to be done to cut down on the amount of knife crime currently taking place, because the knife seems to have become a fashion accessory for some youngsters.






I'm wondering what additional deterrent being birched provides over the possibility of spending 20-30 years in prison for murder?

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Perhaps we should turn the discussion to the most effective means of roasting testicles over a lively brazier.


I wonder which would cause the miscreant the most pain-protracted exposure to glowing embers or the short, sharp shock of a roaring flame? Hmm, my heart goes out to the mediaeval torturers, bloody hard work that.


---------- Post added 30-10-2013 at 21:19 ----------



I'm wondering what additional deterrent being birched provides over the possibility of spending 20-30 years in prison for murder?


liberal nonsense, it's obvious that a drunk furious asshole with a glass in his hand would calm down in an instant at the thought of having his botty whipped with a birch twig.

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