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Should We Bring in Birching?

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That's far too black and white.


When I was a youngster I got caught stealing by my parents and my Dad smacked me with his belt......I never did it ever again.


I'm going to assume the threat of punishment was there before you stole; that you knew stealing was wrong and you'd be punished if caught. If that's the case, the threat of being punished didn't act as a deterrent.


Where I lived, the majority of kids were beaten by their parents for doing wrong - and it never deterred them from doing wrong again. Most of those kids have since spent most of their lives involved in drugs and other crime.

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with respect doom, it is debatable whether someone who advocates young people being strapped to frame, undressed and whipped across a part of their body most would consider private is a well adjusted individual.


I've never advocated it, if you look at my original post it was actually a question rather than a statement.


I do advocate corporal punishment in some form though, whether that be cane, slipper, stocks or some other form of punishment.


The current system clearly doesn't work, so we need to consider alternatives.





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I'm going to assume the threat of punishment was there before you stole; that you knew stealing was wrong and you'd be punished if caught. If that's the case, the threat of being punished didn't act as a deterrent.


The threat of punishment may not have worked in this instance, but the actual punishment did, because none of us ever did it again.


The threat of punishment did work at school though, because most of the kids were fearful of getting the slipper. The thing is, when I look back, nobody ever was punished and it was probably only a myth about Mr X and his steel capped slipper.....But it seemed to have the desired effect. :hihi:





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why stop at birching - benefit claimants could be put in the stocks, replace ASBOs with the ducking stool, baddies who refuse to cough could be put on the rack till they sing like canaries, really bad baddies could be put in the iron maiden &, for the best fun, we could build a huge pendulum with a razor like axe blade that lowers slightly with each swing towards a terrified bad person strapped beneath.


with these simple measures I guarantee a crime free society within 6-12 weeks


Fantastic though you may be a little severe on the 6-12 week timescale, 2-3 weeks may be more like it.


My parents said it was the done thing when they were younger, if you were birched you seldom did anything illegal again, it was the ultimate punishment and it scarred your back for life. It was practically impossible to find employment.


There would be an awful lot of unemployed Police though....

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where on the child's body should the cane or slipper be administered and by whom. caning, birching etc were a form of sexual humiliation. if someone did that to my child, I'd put them in hospital.


I think the cane was usually administered to the hand.


I've never even thought of it as some form of sexual humiliation, I guess each unto their own.





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what offences would you use it for doom? if I favoured it, I'd thrash for -

- speeding - kills many people a year.

- tax fraud - it's strangling our economy.

- parking near schools - puts children's lives at risk.

- drunk driving - with a new 0% alcohol limit.

- any racially aggravated offence, along with prison sentence.

- allowing a dog to be out of control, especially if it's a known aggressive breed.

- homeopathy, acupuncture, spiritualism etc


Why homeopathy, acupuncture, spiritualism etc ???

since you mentioned it.


Can we add groups of youths in more than 3 in number and nonsers complete with forced castration not voluntary

Rapists, muggers

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The fondness of corporal punishment that some people demonstrate on this forum is weird. Is almost like they like the fought of caning people. :roll::roll:


It's certainly not my fondness for corporal punishment, it's more my concern about anti-social behaviour and the growing problem of knife crime.


A simple question - How would you go about cutting down the number of youths carrying knives?


Some of you maybe concerned about the human rights of somebody being caned for doing wrong, I'm actually more concerned about the rights of a decent person getting knived for doing their job.


All alternative suggestions welcomed.





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The fondness of corporal punishment that some people demonstrate on this forum is weird. Is almost like they like the fought of caning people. :roll::roll:


Its 'are' weird not is and it's 'thought' not fought


But yes as Doom says it's each to their own:gag:


I got the slipper once at school for something I didn't do. After I left school a few years later I saw the teacher who slippered me and reminded him of the said incident and stated that if I at that time hit him in the face several times would he accept that for believing lies as opposed to the truth, he didn't like that especially as I was somewhat larger than him by this time. I'm not a violent person however to be accused by the teacher of something I hadn't done and be punished for that to me is inexcusable and is a form assault. Maybe I should sue him????? 38 years after the event....any ideas?

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