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Jam tomorrow? Apparently not!

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Apparently the government hired 'consultants' to look at whether the minimum sugar content in British jam should be reduced from the current 60%. The consultants (what qualifications one needs to become a jam consultant I can't imagine) have, controversially it appears, recommended the minimum level be reduced to 50%.


Am I alone in thinking that there are perhaps more pressing concerns this country faces, which the government would do well to address, before it tackles such thorny issues as the make up of UK jam?



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Apparently the government hired 'consultants' to look at whether the minimum sugar content in British jam should be reduced from the current 60%. The consultants (what qualifications one needs to become a jam consultant I can't imagine) have, controversially it appears, recommended the minimum level be reduced to 50%.


Am I alone in thinking that there are perhaps more pressing concerns this country faces, which the government would do well to address, before it tackles such thorny issues as the make up of UK jam?




Well we can't afford the NHS as it is, so anything that helps make people healthier and hence needing less intervention, is potentially a good investment for the future.

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Am I alone in thinking that there are perhaps more pressing concerns this country faces, which the government would do well to address, before it tackles such thorny issues as the make up of UK jam?




Hopeless as the current government may be, it can tackle more than one "issue" simultaneously. Given the amount of resources they have devoted to the pressing matter of jam, I expect they have people left over to deal with other things.


What do you think?

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Hopeless as the current government may be, it can tackle more than one "issue" simultaneously. Given the amount of resources they have devoted to the pressing matter of jam, I expect they have people left over to deal with other things.


What do you think?


I agree, being canny conserve-atives they'll keep people in preserve for these niggly yet important matters.

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There's something depressing about this. There's only one reason to reduce sugar in jam and that's to increase the profits of jam-making companies at the expense of quality. Even previous Conservative governments wouldn't have messed with JAM!


Next they will be ramming it full of some gelling agent and adding a nice cocktail of aspartame or acesulfame.

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