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Fuel Tips For Consumers

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Well, what with the ever increasing fuel prices for homes and vehicles.


Thought this would be a useful thread for people to exchange tips and tricks to become more self sufficient and save money.


I have seen more and more properties with solar panels on the roofs and wish they would become mandatory across the world.


Energy suppliers are ripping people off left, right and centre and people have had enough of their incompetence to solve problems.


I think gas pipes and electricity cables are an outdated technology, in the days of bio-fuel and motion devices that can store energy, the sea could be filled with all sorts of things that can be used with the tide to power the world forever for free, buildings that sway can have devices that intake wind and anything that can use nature to produce energy should be something that entire world sees as critical.


If anyone has ever heard of The Venus Project, this way of thinking should be at the forefront of human existence, not wars, politics or greed. I also think that bill payers should go on to token meters, pay as you go is the only way to hit these fuel providers hard, once they have no way to enforce bills and laws, you will be better off, like pay as you go for mobiles, no contracts, just free to do what you want.


Also, pressure inducers can be used on cars, every vehicle in the world would have them inbuilt in the body work, solar panels on the roofs and ways of converting sleet, rain and snow in to renewable energy to power cars freely and safely without carbon waste polluting the atmosphere.


Winder turbines only do so much and nuclear energy should have been off the cards decades ago, the fall out and risks associated should black list any thought of using such an outdated and dangerous technology.


Bio fuels, hydroponic farms that are build like skyscrapers can funnel food to feed whole countries without the need to use fuel guzzling engines to transport things thousands of miles globally in planes, trains and sea machines.


There is massive waste in this world, no thought at all to what effects nature and and no consideration for the next generations about to inherit the toxic and polluted wasteland that we pass on to them.

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Who's gunna pay for all this tree-hugging hippie crap??


You do know most of these 'green' products cost more to build and maintain than they ever save in greenhouse gas emissions.


IIRC a Hybrid car has already travelled twice around the world before it's rolled off the production line as it's component parts and raw materials are so numerous and sourced from such far flung places.

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Who's gunna pay for all this tree-hugging hippie crap??


You do know most of these 'green' products cost more to build and maintain than they ever save in greenhouse gas emissions.


IIRC a Hybrid car has already travelled twice around the world before it's rolled off the production line as it's component parts and raw materials are so numerous and sourced from such far flung places.


It is only crap for a wasteful and brainwashed mind.


And it must not matter what things cost to develop, our future is more critical than petty money related issues.

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Energy suppliers are ripping people off left, right and centre and people have had enough of their incompetence to solve problems.


I think gas pipes and electricity cables are an outdated technology, in the days of bio-fuel and motion devices that can store energy, the sea could be filled with all sorts of things that can be used with the tide to power the world forever for free, buildings that sway can have devices that intake wind and anything that can use nature to produce energy should be something that entire world sees as critical.



Someone was telling me about this today. Apparently this is the real reason utility companies are increasing their prices, they know their time will soon be up.

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And it must not matter what things cost to develop, our future is more critical than petty money related issues.


but it does.


If you waste resources and pollute the planet making useless 'green energy' devices then whats the point??


I'm all for using as many re-newable and green sources as possible, but some are just as waste of time/money/the environment and are just crap being sold as green.

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Someone was telling me about this today. Apparently this is the real reason utility companies are increasing their prices, they know their time will soon be up.


You don't ever have to worry about fuel prices poppet, I'll keep you all warm at my place for free :love:

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Well, what with the ever increasing fuel prices for homes and vehicles.


Thought this would be a useful thread for people to exchange tips and tricks to become more self sufficient and save money.


I have seen more and more properties with solar panels on the roofs and wish they would become mandatory across the world.


Energy suppliers are ripping people off left, right and centre and people have had enough of their incompetence to solve problems.


I think gas pipes and electricity cables are an outdated technology, in the days of bio-fuel and motion devices that can store energy, the sea could be filled with all sorts of things that can be used with the tide to power the world forever for free, buildings that sway can have devices that intake wind and anything that can use nature to produce energy should be something that entire world sees as critical.


If anyone has ever heard of The Venus Project, this way of thinking should be at the forefront of human existence, not wars, politics or greed. I also think that bill payers should go on to token meters, pay as you go is the only way to hit these fuel providers hard, once they have no way to enforce bills and laws, you will be better off, like pay as you go for mobiles, no contracts, just free to do what you want.


Also, pressure inducers can be used on cars, every vehicle in the world would have them inbuilt in the body work, solar panels on the roofs and ways of converting sleet, rain and snow in to renewable energy to power cars freely and safely without carbon waste polluting the atmosphere.


Winder turbines only do so much and nuclear energy should have been off the cards decades ago, the fall out and risks associated should black list any thought of using such an outdated and dangerous technology.


Bio fuels, hydroponic farms that are build like skyscrapers can funnel food to feed whole countries without the need to use fuel guzzling engines to transport things thousands of miles globally in planes, trains and sea machines.


There is massive waste in this world, no thought at all to what effects nature and and no consideration for the next generations about to inherit the toxic and polluted wasteland that we pass on to them.


Thats all very interesting but its hardly fuel tips for consumers is it.

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No thanks FB, I prefer my freedom. Go back to your cell and bunk bed. :hihi:


oh don't let that put you off, big steve was only a phase. It was over before it began. Come on don't be shy, think of all that lovely fuel you're going to save. Are you sure I can't convince you? I've got a fully kitted out high tech kitchen here with all the appliances you can dream of.

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