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The divisiveness of censorship

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The American debt ceiling fiasco was at least eventually resolved. Imagine though if at some point in the debate someone said something inappropriate and the speaker decided to cancel the debate and ordered all minutes to be deleted... would they have ever found a way forward?


Imagine the difference between the American senate and a privately owned, family friendly forum.

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Yes I think you're right.


In life if differences aren't settled then things fester and people become bitter.


However freedom of speech isn't an absolute, as highlighted by what gave rise to the Leveson enquiry.


Also I believe that Freedom of Speech does not allow people to be abusive and to deny people their rights


Agreed but there has to be balance. If you silence all the voices because of the behaviour of a few then you are throwing the baby out with the bath water. Better to silence the ones committing an offence (making a distinction from causing offence) and keep debate alive.

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Which is the approach generally taken here, if here is where you're talking about. Sometimes though the moderators don't have the time or the inclination to do that and just remove the entire thing. This isn't a soap box or a free speech experiment, it's a private forum with private rules.

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I suspect that this forum exists primarily as a money making exercise for its owners. They have zero interest in any debate really, so anything that becomes a bit of problem gets zapped.


Because of the ridiculous moderation the forum is generally a waste of time.


I'd delete my account but I can't. They don't like to 'lose' users, bad for the advertising figures.

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whilst admitting that a war of words is probably better than most other types of war, do you actually think that, with a few exceptions, the usual wars of words seen on this forum enable many differences to be settled


from what i see they mainly serve to entrench existing viewpoints


It isn't just about this forum though. And I do think that debate does result in subtle shifts in opinion even if it is rare for someone to completely change there mind.


I think a common argument for some censoring is that debate can stoke up tensions but I don't agree. Debate brings things to a head but that is far better than letting things fester and divisions between people widening.

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I suspect that this forum exists primarily as a money making exercise for its owners. They have zero interest in any debate really, so anything that becomes a bit of problem gets zapped.


Because of the ridiculous moderation the forum is generally a waste of time.


I'd delete my account but I can't. They don't like to 'lose' users, bad for the advertising figures.


Simple. Dont post then.

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Which is the approach generally taken here, if here is where you're talking about. Sometimes though the moderators don't have the time or the inclination to do that and just remove the entire thing. This isn't a soap box or a free speech experiment, it's a private forum with private rules.


Censorship happens on this forum and beyond but the outcome is always the same. The subject/issue will not go away and keeps popping back up having festered a little and people of different opinions having moved that little bit further apart. It is a tactic that ultimately doesn't work and makes things worse.


This private forum can, of course, do as it pleases but catch-all deletions will not drive away the one-line offenders but the people taking the time to construct reasoned arguments, source evidence and respond to those with different opinions. It lowers the standard.

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I suspect that this forum exists primarily as a money making exercise for its owners. They have zero interest in any debate really, so anything that becomes a bit of problem gets zapped.


Because of the ridiculous moderation the forum is generally a waste of time.


I'd delete my account but I can't. They don't like to 'lose' users, bad for the advertising figures.


If you come to the Helpdesk and ask how to close your account we'll be happy to do it for you :)

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I suspect that this forum exists primarily as a money making exercise for its owners. They have zero interest in any debate really, so anything that becomes a bit of problem gets zapped.


Because of the ridiculous moderation the forum is generally a waste of time.


I'd delete my account but I can't. They don't like to 'lose' users, bad for the advertising figures.


never heard anything so paranoid, wrong and delusionary in my life

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