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The divisiveness of censorship

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Done. Maybe you should make it a specific option?


Zamo, I don't know how you keep the enthusiasm to keep posting in here. The forum is a moderating shambles.

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I believe that censoring debate is divisive and will lead to people with different beliefs and opinions moving further apart. I therefore ask the forum...


If people are denied a war of words then how will differences be settled?


Are you talking about this media thing, which is in the news lately?


If you're talking about this forum, then I susupect it's more a case of how things are worded rather than the actual content of the post. I mean, there are some pretty strong views allowed on here and the thread is allowed to run if everyone plays ball. I doesn't mean people will vhange their opinions though, which is quite clearly the objectives of some posts - To influence opinion.

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I believe that censoring debate is divisive and will lead to people with different beliefs and opinions moving further apart. I therefore ask the forum...


If people are denied a war of words then how will differences be settled?


Censorship is the control of the information and ideas circulated within a society and has been a hallmark of dictatorships throughout history.


SF must therefor be a society of members ruled by a dictator. :D


But it is one we all choose to be part of, therefor we must be :loopy:

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I believe that censoring debate is divisive and will lead to people with different beliefs and opinions moving further apart. I therefore ask the forum...


If people are denied a war of words then how will differences be settled?

i dont think it means people with differing opinions move apart, people ARE different, they have different opinions, the difference is, how do you settle your differences.

most people just get on with life and accept they have a different opinion on a subject to others

some people try to change others opinions / behaviours...specially on forums such as this, or marches, demos whatever

and some turn to the extreme end and it ends in violence

i dont really think censorship does anything in most cases than make people move on

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I believe that censoring debate is divisive and will lead to people with different beliefs and opinions moving further apart. I therefore ask the forum...


If people are denied a war of words then how will differences be settled?


What makes you think they will be settled by having those words?

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:thumbsup::thumbsup:hopefully this is a dawning of a new age in moderation on here??? a thread about censorship and SF moderation open for about five hours and not closed!!:thumbsup:


And if only people could resist the urge to make sarky comments about moderation of the forum it might stay that way. ;)

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Turns out you have to jump through hoops to close an account.


But even then it doesn't get deleted. What a shock.


And Mel,stop brown nosing. Its undignified.


why not just close the page in your browser and not reload it? its the same as deleting your account really

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