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US hacking hypocrisy

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While the US hacks the telephone calls, texts and internet communications of millions of innocent people from around the world including other presidents and prime ministers and says it's to protect their security, they are fighting for the extradition of Lauri Love for hacking into THEIR systems.


In other words they can do whatever they like when it comes to hacking but if you do it you're going to jail. Hypocrisy of the highest order.


If the US are hacking into international systems to find things that will harm their country, then why can't people do the same to them? Avoiding more uncomfortable leaks perhaps.



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The UK security services are looking to improve the country's 'cyber defences' by employing hackers at the moment. The guy should apply to them and put the US being after him on his CV as evidence he should be given a job. ;)

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While the US hacks the telephone calls, texts and internet communications of millions of innocent people from around the world including other presidents and prime ministers and says it's to protect their security, they are fighting for the extradition of Lauri Love for hacking into THEIR systems.


In other words they can do whatever they like when it comes to hacking but if you do it you're going to jail. Hypocrisy of the highest order.


If the US are hacking into international systems to find things that will harm their country, then why can't people do the same to them? Avoiding more uncomfortable leaks perhaps.




It's not hypocrisy. There hasnt been a terrorist act in the US in a decade and that's due in no small measure to intelligence gathering. Do you know how many potential terrorist attacks have been foiled by listening into phone calls and E-mails? You seem to be the expert on such matters so take a guess.



As for Lauri Love whoever she is if she had done the same and tried to hack into British intelligence M.I.6 would have been down on her like a ton of rubble so what's your point in banging on about the US wanting to extradite her

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I guess there's a difference between Government bodies spying in the name of national security and some blokie from Suffolk doing it perchance to go public like the 'heroes' from a few weeks back.


Why? Both acting in the interests of their country.


What did the guy want to find, what did the US Government want to find?

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It's not hypocrisy. There hasnt been a terrorist act in the US in a decade and that's due in no small measure to intelligence gathering. Do you know how many potential terrorist attacks have been foiled by listening into phone calls and E-mails?


Angela Merkel is a terrorist!!!?

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All countries are doing the same.


The indignation they are showing is just for the public because it has been leaked to the press. If they were truly bothered they would be shouting "hey Edward Snowden you can have asylum in our free country".


Leaked memos reveal GCHQ efforts to keep mass surveillance secret


Exclusive: Edward Snowden papers show UK spy agency fears legal challenge if scale of surveillance is made public



But Harleyman, was Angela Merkel a terrorist or a peadophile? How many terrorist attacks did it prevent by spying on her given that the constant excuse for mass surveillance is catching terrorists and pedophiles.

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