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US hacking hypocrisy

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Angela Merkel is a terrorist!!!?


Hacking Merkel's phone is a bit over the line I must admit. The French and Germans work in full partnership with the US in exchanging information on terrorists so that's a bit of a mystery.


The fact remains however that intelliegence gathering on a large scale has prevented any further organized terrorist attacks either in the US and in Europe.


The reality is that eavesdropping is the only way to combat terrorism just as drones are the only way to eliminate terrorist groups even if sadly some innocents are killed but that's a circumstance in all wars... and there is a war going on... it's just invisible that's all.


Boots on the ground or using conventional bombers to take out terrorists would only cause more loss of innocent lives and we are left with a limited alternative and have to accept that as Al Qaeda have shown not the slightest sign of giving up their agenda to carry out attacks on western targets


---------- Post added 30-10-2013 at 22:19 ----------


All countries are doing the same.


The indignation they are showing is just for the public because it has been leaked to the press. If they were truly bothered they would be shouting "hey Edward Snowden you can have asylum in our free country".


Leaked memos reveal GCHQ efforts to keep mass surveillance secret


Exclusive: Edward Snowden papers show UK spy agency fears legal challenge if scale of surveillance is made public



But Harleyman, was Angela Merkel a terrorist or a peadophile? How many terrorist attacks did it prevent by spying on her given that the constant excuse for mass surveillance is catching terrorists and pedophiles.


The Chinese government has a small military unit whose task is to hack into US corporations. The actual building this unit works out of was shown on the news a few months back.

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The Chinese government has a small military unit whose task is to hack into US corporations. The actual building this unit works out of was shown on the news a few months back.


Don't all governments? Israel has several. Presumed any country with industry and high tech would have.

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The UK security services are looking to improve the country's 'cyber defences' by employing hackers at the moment. The guy should apply to them and put the US being after him on his CV as evidence he should be given a job. ;)


Getting caught isn't a good qualification to get you into the secret services, at least it didn't used to be.

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Don't all governments? Israel has several. Presumed any country with industry and high tech would have.


Yes they do and when it comes down to the individual, credit reporting agencies, local and national government departments know all about you already.


---------- Post added 30-10-2013 at 23:33 ----------


Getting caught isn't a good qualification to get you into the secret services, at least it didn't used to be.


There's no known way at present to be able to predict when an employee involved in the gathering and monitoring of intelligence will suddenly decide to turn rogue. Snowden must have appeared to be a reliable and trustworthy future employee when he was signed up by the company/ agency which was doing contract work for the government

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What puzzles me about this whole thing is that, as several posters have pointed out, we all know that it is happening, & has been for a long time.


Presumably therefore, the terrorists are also fully aware? Therefore, how likely is that some terrorist is going to have a telephone conversation detailing a proposed plan of attack over the phone or internet?


Good way to have the security services chasing around like blue arsed flies following hoax conversations though.


Also, the Spanish newspaper El Mundo has claimed that the US monitored 60 million Spanish telephone conversations in one month!


How the hell do you carry out an assessment of that volume of conversation?

Taking into consideration that it wont just be the Spanish being monitored presumably a similar amount of calls from other countries are being listened into as well.


No doubt in my mind that the US is being disingenuous here. There maybe a security angle, but there is also an industrial espionage angle involved also.

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Not sure the people of Boston would agree...


That wasn't an attack planned and carried out by Al Qaeda


---------- Post added 31-10-2013 at 02:25 ----------


What puzzles me about this whole thing is that, as several posters have pointed out, we all know that it is happening, & has been for a long time.


Presumably therefore, the terrorists are also fully aware? Therefore, how likely is that some terrorist is going to have a telephone conversation detailing a proposed plan of attack over the phone or internet?Good way to have the security services chasing around like blue arsed flies following hoax conversations though.


Also, the Spanish newspaper El Mundo has claimed that the US monitored 60 million Spanish telephone conversations in one month!


How the hell do you carry out an assessment of that volume of conversation?

Taking into consideration that it wont just be the Spanish being monitored presumably a similar amount of calls from other countries are being listened into as well.


No doubt in my mind that the US is being disingenuous here. There maybe a security angle, but there is also an industrial espionage angle involved also.


How else do terrorist groups scattered across areas from Somalia to Yemen communicate with each other?


No one monitored 60 million Spanish conversations in one month. That's just a ridiculous claim with no foundation. It might help the sales of El Mundo though to claim such unrealistic crap.


Hysteria would be a suitable description

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Edit: How the hell do you carry out an assessment of that volume of conversation?

Taking into consideration that it wont just be the Spanish being monitored presumably a similar amount of calls from other countries are being listened into as well.



There'll be looking for key words such as car boot, bus, tube, backpack, plane, die, pub, only terrorists use these.

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“Gentlemen don’t read each others’ mail,” said U.S. Secretary of State Henry Stimson back in 1929. False then, false now. What? Spies are actually spying? asks the blogger known as the DiploMad, who has done a bit of spying himself. Ridiculous!


Maybe this politeness cost the USA vital knowledge in the run-up to WW II.

Like Pearl Harbor, they don't want it to happen again!

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