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US hacking hypocrisy

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Hacking Merkel's phone is a bit over the line I must admit. The French and Germans work in full partnership with the US in exchanging information on terrorists so that's a bit of a mystery.


The fact remains however that intelliegence gathering on a large scale has prevented any further organized terrorist attacks either in the US and in Europe.


The reality is that eavesdropping is the only way to combat terrorism just as drones are the only way to eliminate terrorist groups even if sadly some innocents are killed but that's a circumstance in all wars... and there is a war going on... it's just invisible that's all.


Boots on the ground or using conventional bombers to take out terrorists would only cause more loss of innocent lives and we are left with a limited alternative and have to accept that as Al Qaeda have shown not the slightest sign of giving up their agenda to carry out attacks on western targets


---------- Post added 30-10-2013 at 22:19 ----------



The Chinese government has a small military unit whose task is to hack into US corporations. The actual building this unit works out of was shown on the news a few months back.

Ach, der shame of it, Frau Merkel voss E mailing Herr Merkel to tell him what was fur dem Abendessen, when the verdamt Amerikanishen broke in. Wie gehts.:mad:
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Ach, der shame of it, Frau Merkel voss E mailing Herr Merkel to tell him what was fur dem Abendessen, when the verdamt Amerikanishen broke in. Wie gehts.:mad:


Aye up Buck, was getting worried about you, thought you'd have been all over this thread from the get go. :)


Get your Mrs to watch Clare v Cork replay on YouTube. I was at the original drawn game & it was terrific, but the the replay was something else.


Up the Banner!


By the way, you Yanks are OK in my book, but completely out of line on this one. :)

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That's my point, when someone from 'the ass end of the world' (wonderfully evocative expression by the way ) contacts someone in a western first world country it stands out somewhat, wouldn't you agree?


At which point action needs to be taken, but using a shotgun when a snipers rifle would be more appropriate is crude & causes as many problems as it solves in my view.


Yes, I am reasonably familiar with the history of intelligence gathering ( William Melville? M ).


I doubt however, that I am as familiar with it's history as various terrorist groups. Whilst I am mildly interested, they have a life or death incentive to be aware of what methods were, & are, employed.


The US has every right to defend itself against ' All enemy's both foreign & domestic'.

What it doesn't have a right to do is spy on innocent private individuals & use the all embracing excuse of national security to break the law & ride roughshod over other countries sovereign rights.


Nor has any other country have the right to spy on the US and hack into it's commercial and industrial computer systems... but they do. This is the 21st century, the second generation of the electronic age. I think we'd all better get used to it.


---------- Post added 01-11-2013 at 01:16 ----------


Ach, der shame of it, Frau Merkel voss E mailing Herr Merkel to tell him what was fur dem Abendessen, when the verdamt Amerikanishen broke in. Wie gehts.:mad:


Vel she vas just tellink Herr Merkel not to eat alles der apfel strudel before she gotten heim.



BTW buck old pardner congratulations on the Red Sox winning the series. :thumbsup:

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Sad thing is, NOTHING will happen about this.


The US is far too powerful, what can anyone do to them to punish them? Answer is nothing!


It's sad but true, they are the biggest kid in school, and no one is messing with them.


Imagine if it had been Iran tapping up Obamas phone! War would have been declared already, and the UN would probably even sanction it.


Sickening double standards, but deal with it people, that's life.


I'm just glad we are in bed with the yanks, our "dad" actually is harder than anyone else's!

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Aye up Buck, was getting worried about you, thought you'd have been all over this thread from the get go. :)


Get your Mrs to watch Clare v Cork replay on YouTube. I was at the original drawn game & it was terrific, but the the replay was something else.


Up the Banner!


By the way, you Yanks are OK in my book, but completely out of line on this one. :)


Not really. My concern is the safety of my family and my grandkids for the years to come.

I dont give a fiddlers furt if people overseas get all bent out of shape because they're being listened to.

No more 9/11s ever... and whatever it takes.

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No more 9/11s ever... and whatever it takes.


If you think snooping on Angela Merkel's communications is going to prevent another 11/9 then you're either more deluded or more paranoid than I ever realised.


Even your leaders are starting to admit you might have gone a bit far on this one.

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Launch the U-Boats, bring on the Panzers. sieg heil ! :D
Was expecting better from you, H :rolleyes:

Not really. My concern is the safety of my family and my grandkids for the years to come.

I dont give a fiddlers furt if people overseas get all bent out of shape because they're being listened to.

No more 9/11s ever... and whatever it takes.

Arrogance goes before a fall.


That is all.

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Not really. My concern is the safety of my family and my grandkids for the years to come.

I dont give a fiddlers furt if people overseas get all bent out of shape because they're being listened to.

No more 9/11s ever... and whatever it takes.


It's been quoted many times before but I'll do it again...


They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety
- Benjamin Franklin


In its' haste to counter the terrorism that has spawned from oppressive beliefs and practices, the USA is betraying their own principles and beliefs and becoming more like the enemy they despise. Sad. :(


And do you know how stupid it sounds saying things like "whatever it takes". You've clearly been watching too many John Wayne films and I didn't think that was even possible.

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Sad thing is, NOTHING will happen about this.


The US is far too powerful, what can anyone do to them to punish them? Answer is nothing!


It's sad but true, they are the biggest kid in school, and no one is messing with them.


Imagine if it had been Iran tapping up Obamas phone! War would have been declared already, and the UN would probably even sanction it.


Sickening double standards, but deal with it people, that's life.


I'm just glad we are in bed with the yanks, our "dad" actually is harder than anyone else's!


Not quite true, the New York Times reported in an article published on 20th September this year that the Chinese had been hacking American defence technology - with particular concentration on drones - for about two years.


Harleyman acknowledged the fact in an earlier post.


What did the US do about this? The sum total of bugger all.


There is a name for the big kids who make sure they only pick on little kids.


I agree with Loob & Zamo at posts 47 & 48 above, I thought better of the land of the free & home of the brave, ahh well we live & learn. :(


Oh & Harleyman a combination of arrogance & greed has seen the end of a number of Empires.

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Not really. My concern is the safety of my family and my grandkids for the years to come.

I dont give a fiddlers furt if people overseas get all bent out of shape because they're being listened to.

No more 9/11s ever... and whatever it takes.


Didn't prevent the Boston bombing did it.


Although reading your earlier posts, you think because that wasn't an Al Qaeda bombing so it doesn't count.


Them chemtrails been sprayed out in California have clearly brain washed Harleyman.:D

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