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Would you move back to Sheffield


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I left Sheffield in 1988 to avoid the Police. I had been put on their hit list and didn't want to end up like some had. I've been back twice since then to deal with unfinished business, and I didn't like what I found. The traffic was in a mess, the lovely old buildings gone, Park Hill still dominating the skyline, and a sense of people going about like Lowry's characters, keeping their heads down. It had been a privilege for me to work in Sheffield, firstly as a bobby, and then in criminal defence, the good people of the City far outweighed the bad, but from reading some posts it looks as though that's all changed.


I've lived in France, Greece, Belguim, where crime and disrespect for others is far less than in Sheffield and England in general these days, but I still missed Blighty, and stay here as much as I can.


I was once proud of Sheffield and the good people who lived and worked there, and as I say, it was a privilege to work for them.


Harry P.C. Plod.

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I left Sheffield in 1988 to avoid the Police. I had been put on their hit list and didn't want to end up like some had. I've been back twice since then to deal with unfinished business, and I didn't like what I found. The traffic was in a mess, the lovely old buildings gone, Park Hill still dominating the skyline, and a sense of people going about like Lowry's characters, keeping their heads down. It had been a privilege for me to work in Sheffield, firstly as a bobby, and then in criminal defence, the good people of the City far outweighed the bad, but from reading some posts it looks as though that's all changed.


I've lived in France, Greece, Belguim, where crime and disrespect for others is far less than in Sheffield and England in general these days, but I still missed Blighty, and stay here as much as I can.


I was once proud of Sheffield and the good people who lived and worked there, and as I say, it was a privilege to work for them.


Harry P.C. Plod.


Check your private box Harry (info re Bernard)

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The contents of the thread submitted by Harry P.C. Plod are ominous with the threat of a hit against him by the Police .

It must surely be a misquotation or are some deeper sinister events about to be revealed on Sheffield ?

At one time in the 60/70's the best road out of Manchester was the Snake road over to Sheffield , but how times have changed in the last 30 years .


Gary Marshman

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Having seen a video of a family in Halifax Rd. enslave a 34 Y.O. man and beat him constantly until he had multipal broken bones I don't think I would move back to Sheffield. Somebody, probably enraged at the short prison sentences imposed, smashed up their house a bit. The video is in last nights Star and when you've seen it you'll be outraged too.


How did this crime go on for such a long time, where were the neighbours and police. I did notice the Police swarming around the house to protect it from enraged citizens.

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Spoken like a true champion, I agree with what you say. As you know I live in Oz, it's a great place but not perfect no place is. I hate the Aussie stinking hot summers ( like now ) and those pesky flies, apart from this it's great. Sheffield isn't like it used to be but it's still a great place in lots of ways.

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hi just found this sight very interesting lived in Sheffield for the first 26 years of my life then moved to live near Bristol in late 80s . Just moved back to the area 2 years ago yes its different but the people are so much more friendly up here glad I made the move.

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Hello Derek Clayton in Aussi, do we know each other, your name seems familiar ?


Yes I just received a Mail this morning from a friend in Wiluna , Outback east of Perth , and she says temp. today is 45 deg C where aircon is appreciated in the home and the car.


Gary Marshman

North Wales

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