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Would you move back to Sheffield


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No no no PortdoverONT the best place it is the biker capital of the world BRIAN


I;d give Port Dover a 6 being as the weather Kingsville way is by far nicer but I suppose some like the snow and ice fishing ,me afraid getting to old to shovel that white stuff :D:D

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I'm not from Sheffield originally but went to school there, (De La Salle). I lived and worked in Sheffield between 1976 and 1983 and loved it. I live in Elsecar which is only a 20 minute run into Sheffield and there is a train hourly. I think it's a case of not appreciating what you've got in Sheffield, in my opinion it's a relatively safe, vibrant, "buzzing" city. The tram is superb, you have 2 universities with all the knock on cultural benefits you get from that. You have the Showroom cinema, actually more than just a cinema, Kelham Island the best Real Ale quarter in England. The city centre is lovely. Icing on the cake Sheffield United, don't get that in Australia !


Personally I just don't get the attraction of Australia, seems to be all beaches, "barbies", ex-Pats, surf, and the "outback".


In 18 months I'll be spending 6 months in the south of France and 6 months in Yorkshire. France, culturally rich, beautiful climate, and believe it or not the people are lovely. When I'm there I really miss South Yorkshire and vice versa.


Yes I have this great love for the southern half of France. It's the Parisians who give France a bad name. When I fetched up ( sailing term for arrived ) in Calais the marina boss had my mast taken down and let me stay for half price. I found this attitude, with one exception all the way to the Med.

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We moved to Cyprus in 2001. In the nd, we came back to Sheffield in 2007. Best move we ever made. Like anywhere in the world, there is good and bad everywere. Fortunatley, its not as bad in Sheffield as it is in Cyprus were the Cypriots hate the Ex Pats



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No thanks, I love where I have lived here in Oz for the last 43 years, we live in the country and just a 10 minute drive to some of the best beaches in the world, the Sheffield I knew is not the one I remember anymore, which I found out when I returned for a few weeks in the early 90's.


Your time span is about the same as mine. I hit Canada in May1968, hated it for a full two weeks, then bought a 1966 Volkwagen for $850 and never looked back. It took me 8 years to go back home for a couple of weeks and was glad to get back to Montreal, by then now my hometown. I moved to Connecticut in 1977 at my company request, became a citizen in 1984. We have a big friend who moved to Sydney NSW about ten years ago, living very well, owner of his own company. No snow, no Tornadoes, no Hurricanes. Some crocs, roos, and sharks, and that god awful Foster's oil can, but on the whole, great.
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I am originally from Cape Town South Africa. I love it there the beaches and sunshine, living costs are reasonable too. I moved to Sheffield for University and got a job locally when I finished. Since then is been my second home.

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  • 1 month later...

Living in North Lincs. I suppose I have the best of both worlds (ignoring the weather - but average rainfall here is 70% of Sheffield's) as I can easily go "home". To have everything you want in one location is difficult, and everywhere has its good and not so good aspects. Personally I have no desire to move somewhere hot (as I wouldn't like the heat). Nor would I move back to Sheffield, as being retired I'm not tied down to any particular place - but Sheffield is still a good place to live. As noted above the important thing is to be happy where you are,

Couldn't agree more hillsbro. Being happy in your environment is paramount.

I started this thread out of curiosity, wondering who found that it's not always greener elsewhere and why.

I too am happy in my new world up a welsh mountain.

Unfortunately the rainfall here far exceeds that of Sheffield.


I shall be visiting "home" as you call it next week, although I now call here home.

It's time for a visit to see my dear old dad, and catch up with old friends.

I'm hoping the experience will be a good one. I've no doubt it will be.

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Just had family staying with us in Brittany. They live in Handsworth. They've gone home bronzed and no threat of rain at all, so they are happy! To return to this thread I'm the only one of my family to leave Sheffield and never regretted it. Similarly my brothers and sister never regretted staying there. By the way it was lovely to hear my brother's Sheffield accent! Unfortunately, mine has virtually gone after 38 years away. Even jennals were mentioned!!!



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  • 1 month later...
It two years next month since I made the decision to leave and have no regrets at all.

I still read and sometimes post on the forum...but move back? I don't think so!


Sheffield seems to be hitting the news recently for all the wrong reasons...the murder of the takeaway delivery driver being the latest.


Reading the forum is at times depressing reading.....

The page hall issue...(also hit the news today).

The ever increasing "what's happened" threads, only to read of another attack or mugging.

And...the seemingly endless bickering on some threads....often not at all to do with the thread topic.


It just confirms I made the correct decision.

Sheffield, and Sheffield folk just ain't the friendly place it once was.


I wonder if there are expats out there that would move back...and why?


Too late to move out. But if I did, I certainly would not move back. Not much to offer other than the people that live there. We seem to be going downhill

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Left Sheffield 36 years ago and never missed it. In those days the City centre road system was getting worse and worse. Each "improvement" just moving the snarled up traffic further along. Nowadays I wouldn't drive into the centre if you paid me! I visit this site to keep in touch with what is happening because I'm the only one of my family to leave the place.


Last time I drove through Sheffield was to visit my dying sister in the Royal Hallamshire Hospital 6 years ago. I was driving a French registered car so it was fairly obvious to even a moron that I was a stranger in town. I was a couple of milliseconds late at some lights in the confusing road system near to Bramall Lane and had several drivers blasting their car horns at me. Never been back as a driver and only visited relatives once since and they live in Handsworth easy for leaving on the M1!!!

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left sheffield 36 years ago and never missed it. In those days the city centre road system was getting worse and worse. Each "improvement" just moving the snarled up traffic further along. Nowadays i wouldn't drive into the centre if you paid me! I visit this site to keep in touch with what is happening because i'm the only one of my family to leave the place.


Last time i drove through sheffield was to visit my dying sister in the royal hallamshire hospital 6 years ago. I was driving a french registered car so it was fairly obvious to even a moron that i was a stranger in town. I was a couple of milliseconds late at some lights in the confusing road system near to bramall lane and had several drivers blasting their car horns at me. Never been back as a driver and only visited relatives once since and they live in handsworth easy for leaving on the m1!!!

you are spot on my friend who needs it, no thank you

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