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Would you move back to Sheffield


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We moved to Cyprus in 2001. In the nd, we came back to Sheffield in 2007. Best move we ever made. Like anywhere in the world, there is good and bad everywere. Fortunatley, its not as bad in Sheffield as it is in Cyprus were the Cypriots hate the Ex Pats

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I was brought up in Sheffield and continue to live here for practical reasons, not through any sense of loyalty or misty eyed nostalgia. I moved away for a short while then came back during the 80's, again for practical reasons. Living near a beach or in the 'countryside', holds no fascination for me but I can appreciate that some folk love it so good for them.


I live in a relatively nice area on the outskirts and sure, there are places in Sheffield that I wouldn't want to live, as I am sure there are places anywhere in the world that I equally wouldn't. Home is where you make it and if it works for you, then thats all that matters. For me, its who I live with,that is the important bit.:)


So very true, me & wife live in Sheffield always have we'll never leave; too old now anyway, but I don't begrudge anyone that moves a way when young and makes a new life. I just don't like it when people come back on here saying what a dump Sheffield it, okay it has some rough areas go to Paris so has that.


It is bad that we've had murders but they sadly occur everywhere there are areas in Sheffield that aren't shall we say celubrious, where we are we like it.


When I was 10 my mum took us to live in London for a while (18 months) I hated every minute of it, and London is still a rat hole.


To some Sheffield may be a dump, but it's our dump.

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I think Bypassblade says it all; everywhere has its downside, and who you live with is more important. I personally don't like hot weather (so this rules out Southern Europe and the tropics). Of of the 40+ other countries I've been to, I think New Zealand which I've visited several times is the only country I could live in apart from the UK, but I'm happy to live in a pretty corner of Lincolnshire. A bonus is that I'm only an hour or so away from "home"..:)

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I think Bypassblade says it all; everywhere has its downside, and who you live with is more important. I personally don't like hot weather (so this rules out Southern Europe and the tropics). Of of the 40+ other countries I've been to, I think New Zealand which I've visited several times is the only country I could live in apart from the UK, but I'm happy to live in a pretty corner of Lincolnshire. A bonus is that I'm only an hour or so away from "home"..:)


Lincolnshire is beautiful Hillsbro; my mate lives in Skellingthorpe and that's lovely, we go to York a lot and nice & flat ideal for me but not cheap (housing).

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As a newcomer to Sheffield I'd just like to say that it is a great city. Compare it to similar places for a fair judgment. Saying you live in the Welsh mountains and would never move back is pretty obvious isnt it? Not a lot of jobs going round there I am sure, how is the choice in schools, churches, pubs...


People base too much of their judgment on what they hear in the news. For me it is the little things that set Sheffield apart, people let you pull out of side streets, shop assistants are always up for a bit of banter, there is an abundance of activities and you're always less than half an hour away from either the glorious countryside or the hustle and bustle of the city or meadowhall. Perfect! Of course I'd rather live in an idyllic town, but life takes us where it takes us!

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Just for the record....

I never said Sheffield was a dump, as implied by Bypassblade.

I was born there, lived there for 60 years.


As for schools, churches, pubs, jobs.....I'm retired...no kids of school age, not religious,and have the choice of two village pubs.


I was just saying that Sheffield isn't the place it once was..nothing more.

I also see (from the forum) that London road is currently taped off with another "event" in progress.


I asked in post#1 ......are there expats out there that would move back...and why?

I guess I worded incorrectly....

Are there expats that regret the move away?

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Reply to Raymondo1952


No, not cheap labour. I came here to provide consultancy to the Royal Malaysian Navy for a 19 Patrol Vessel Contract, which is still running. After a short while they asked me provide consultancy services for their new submarine base at Kota Kinabalu in Malaysia Borneo State of Sabah. So I decided to move everything here. Yes labour costs are less as is the cost of running a factory, but in my case, the quality and reliability of the workforce does far surpass the UK. It is also easier to export from here, which is where 95% of my business exists. The UK is no good for manufacturing for export projects, too expensive, poor access to project markets in Asia and Asia Pacific or the Indian Continent. Shipping to the Middle East is easier than from the UK. Less "Government Red Tape" when exporting, no need for export licenses etc. With no benefits system for non-Malays, government taxes are low - income tax, corporation tax etc. Low living costs - about 20/25% of UK and in some cases even less. Malaysia is the fastest growing economy in Asia. Kuala Lumpur City is very advanced and very modern. Yes we have poor areas, but these are gradually being replaced on a continual basis. See one of my web sites at http://www.cfhsaeqa.com.my.

As for the weather, hot summer every day - was 92 degrees at 7-30am this morning and will be about 97/98 by mid day in our area. At 73 I enjoy my life here, work minimum of 6 days a week and no aches and pains from the UK damn cold weather. Many people from UK retiring here now. They have excellent year round weather and costs so much lower that even on a UK basic state pension they can have a very good lifestyle. Eating out is so low cost that very few families bother to cook. AND Petrol - UK Pounds 1-35 a gallon - been the same since early 2007 !!!! Medical Centres (Hospitals) are state of the art and more like 5 star hotels, much better than private hospitals in the UK - doctors and consultants/specialists on duty 24/7 - no waiting for anything, even an operation

Hope this answers your question - Regards - Grey Eminence - Subang Jaya - Malaysia.

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Much seems to be made of hot sunny weather in warmer countries. Well - each to his own as they say, but personally I start to wilt when the mercury climbs much higher than 20 degrees (that's 68 in old money) and I would HATE temperatures in the 30s. The important thing is to be happy where you are, and of course we get cold, wet days in the UK but we get plenty of good weather as well. Today we have the sun showing up the autumn colours. I took this photo from my front door half an hour ago. The moggy's name is Rio..:)

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