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Trick or Treat..

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Penny or Sweet, give us something good to eat !!!


Hey, that time of year, being 33 now, I remember back in the day, knocking on doors, getting a bucket full of spice :hihi:


Occasionally getting toys and tricks from our neighbours and loving heading up someone's path with their home all decked out.


Also, with living at bottom of Hackenthorpe, there was a well known man called Eric who we all used to call Rubber Glove Man, and Mad Tom who lived in the block of flats on Rainbow Crescent back in the 90's, he passed away soon after bless him, kids were cruel back then and labelled all sorts of folk as scary or weird.


I remember being told they were boogie men and that certain homes were haunted, so naturally we loved going to their houses trying to get them to spook us out.


I also found that most kids never even understood the whole Pagan history behind it all, they just wanted junk food and money.


Kids nowadays will only be satisfied with money, I live in flats and had some teenagers knocking on doors years ago wanting stuff, I said you are too old and shut the door on em, scroungers :hihi:


Mind you, I am not superstitious but have had some bad experiences on Halloween and things relating to 13, 31 and 666.


So, what are your thoughts on this black Thursday, where spooks and scary goings on are the norm, sounds like Castle Markets every day :hihi:

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I absolutely love hearing people whinge about it like big baby's.


'Oooooohhh it's a load of American rubiish' etc. etc.


They don't half make themselves look a laughing stock :hihi:


It's for kids!!!!!! And they love it.


Adults moaning about it is like them moaning because they think that Thomas the Tank engine is unrealistic. :hihi:


Stop being such misery's, and join in the community spirit :thumbsup:


Now, how long before Chemist appears to try and make us all feel guilty for those that don't have a door to knock on, and how we should boycott this years halloween in support.

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I absolutely love hearing people whinge about it like big baby's.


'Oooooohhh it's a load of American rubiish' etc. etc.


They don't half make themselves look a laughing stock :hihi:


It's for kids!!!!!! And they love it.


Adults moaning about it is like them moaning because they think that Thomas the Tank engine is unrealistic. :hihi:


Stop being such misery's, and join in the community spirit :thumbsup:


You're entitled to your opinion of course. However no amount of !!!!!! :hihi: and :thumbsup: are suddenly going to make me like the current take on Halloween.

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I absolutely love hearing people whinge about it like big baby's.


'Oooooohhh it's a load of American rubiish' etc. etc.


They don't half make themselves look a laughing stock :hihi:


It's for kids!!!!!! And they love it.


Adults moaning about it is like them moaning because they think that Thomas the Tank engine is unrealistic. :hihi:


Stop being such misery's, and join in the community spirit :thumbsup:


Now, how long before Chemist appears to try and make us all feel guilty for those that don't have a door to knock on, and how we should boycott this years halloween in support.


Yeah but some 'kids' knocking on the doors are 6 footers!! IMO trick or treat should be for kids of 10 or less. I've made the following sign for the front door...




Anyone taller than this level > _____________ < Max height

will be required to show

their passport to verify date

of birth.


Warning: Nerf Super Soaker awaits those failing to comply!

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Utter tedium. It's been made into yet another US led, money making, commercialised load of c**p in my humble opinion.


Hear Hear.

When I was little ( born in 1955 ) nobody made anything of halloween, it was only when my children were young that the American craze started here. (although it was nowhere near as bad as nowadays )

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These tedious seasonal events give tearaways an excuse to run amok. Thankfully, the houses on my road never get visited by trick or treaters and I only ever hear fireworks going off a few times a year for about 10 minutes on bonfire night, new years eve and the odd birthday. Sadly for some people, especially those who live in the North of the city, the fireworks and vandalism increase to crazy levels from the 20th of October through the 15th of November. I genuinely don't know how they can put up with it. And I question the simple mind of anyone who can get enjoyment by staring at a bonfire all evening, even children. I mean fine, for five minutes whilst a nice firework display goes off but not for hours looking at a fire. I mean really.

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. And I question the simple mind of anyone who can get enjoyment by staring at a bonfire all evening, even children. I mean fine, for five minutes whilst a nice firework display goes off but not for hours looking at a fire. I mean really.


I love fires, for me there's something primeval about bonfires when it's dark. Mind you I can become quite fascinated by my wood burner to. I don't like fireworks though, just a very good way to set fire to money as far as I'm concerned.

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