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Trick or Treat..

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Like everything bad, it's come from America. It's supposed to be a bit of fun, but it's actually demands with menaces and can be intimidating for people, especially when you have gangs of surly chavs banging on your door every 5 minutes. We have to pretend it's fun to deny how frightened of what will happen if we say "No" we are.

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Well, quite, you point out a very obvious danger. Who lets their kids eat sweets given to them by a stranger in this day and age. You've got to be out of your mind as a parent to even consider that. There's dumb and then there's downright neglect.


I think you are paranoid-do you think people go round trying to poison children?

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Hear Hear.

When I was little ( born in 1955 ) nobody made anything of halloween, it was only when my children were young that the American craze started here. (although it was nowhere near as bad as nowadays )


I agree Francypants. It's not our culture, let's leave it to the Americans who have made Halloween an annual family/neighbourhood, albeit commercial, celebration. Everyone dresses up and it works well over there but our streets are not safe for children to be knocking on doors. Children should not be encouraged to beg for treats nor to menace strangers on their doorstep.

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I think you are paranoid-do you think people go round trying to poison children?


It only takes one incident. If you take your kids every year to multiple houses eating sweets from strangers, the odds of something bad happening are increased dramatically.


A much better idea is having a halloween party in a trusted environment where all the children can be safe and only consuming trusted food and beverages. I make sense.

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I agree Francypants. It's not our culture, let's leave it to the Americans who have made Halloween an annual family/neighbourhood, albeit commercial, celebration. Everyone dresses up and it works well over there but our streets are not safe for children to be knocking on doors. Children should not be encouraged to beg for treats nor to menace strangers on their doorstep.


.........or they may end up selling double glazing or working for npower.

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Hear Hear.

When I was little ( born in 1955 ) nobody made anything of halloween, it was only when my children were young that the American craze started here. (although it was nowhere near as bad as nowadays )


It is purely the retail sector that is keeping this "tradition" going; the same can be said for Christmas too. Getting ready for Christmas in September as people do is truly pathetic.

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